Hi Thad,

On 4/26/10, Thad Phetteplace <tdphe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on a board based on the PXA320 Zylonite reference board and
> attempting to get Ethernet via USB support working in u-boot.  From what I
> can tell so far, this is not yet well supported in the u-boot mainline.
> I've been looking at the u-boot-usb branch but its been slow going.  Can
> anyone point me at a particular driver or board that would make a good
> starting point?  What success has there been in using USB attached Ethernet
> dongles with u-boot?
> I apologize if this is well documented somewhere.  I've been searching the
> archives and digging through source code, but I could use a nudge in the
> right direction to speed things along.

Did you see that:

I hope it help you.

Best Regards,

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