Hi Patrick

I checked with Patrice the other boards and most of the cases the modified spl 
(u-boot-spl.bin/ u-boot-spl.ais / u-boot-spl.img / u-boot-spl.pbl / 
are generated in spl directory.

So I done the same for u-boot-spl.stm32.
All the NXP iMX6 variant boards deploy the SPL to the root folder :-)

The only case where it is populated in u-boot directory it is when it is 
concatenated with u-boot image
(so the generated files depends on u-boot.bin) , but is not the case for us.

Perhaps I miss so other cases ?

Moreover I am working with YOCTO  and using a sub-directory is not issue with 
latest version
and with patch in poky/meta/recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot.inc
    commit c6ab82882cd49be5510d1f8c967d0dc2da2490c2
    Author:     Nathan Rossi <nat...@nathanrossi.com>  Fri Mar 25 10:07:12 2016
   Committer:   Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>  Mon Mar 28 
16:55:48 2016

   u-boot.inc: Add sub-dir support for SPL_BINARY

   Add support for the SPL_BINARY variable to handle sub directories. In
   some cases the SPL binary that needs to be deployed is only built to the
   spl/ directory in U-Boot. So that a sub directory can be specified in
   the SPL_BINARY variable, handle the case so that the deploy code uses
   the basename of the path specified in SPL_BINARY.

   (From OE-Core rev: eb90d1c8fc7b82ca2593185930b3bf175f40ae13)

   Signed-off-by: Nathan Rossi <nat...@nathanrossi.com>
   Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.pur...@linuxfoundation.org>

So, I don't understood the blocking point, and other platform do the same (the 
reason of the patch).

Even I agree that copy the generated u-boot-spl.stm32 in u-boot build directory 
could be easier (for BUILDROOT ?),
I want keep the file  spl/u-boot-spl.stm32 to avoid to break the current 
upstream effort
of YOCTO BSP support for STM32MP157 board (which expect spl file in spl 

I got a new job (therefore new email address), so i don't have access to the Yocto source where I got into troubles with this. If i recall correctly we where using the SPI_BINARY variable when deploying the SPL and we should have been using the SPL_BINARYNAME.

So no need for this patch.

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