On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 10:13:56AM +0100, Horatiu Vultur wrote:

> The spi_flash_read_env function is a wrapper over spi_flash_read, which
> enables the env to read multiple flash page size from flash until '\0\0'
> is read or the end of env partition is reached. Instead of reading the
> entire env size. When it reads '\0\0', it stops reading further the env
> and assumes that the rest of env is '\0'.
> This is an optimization for large environments that contain few bytes
> environment variables. In this case it doesn't need to read the entire
> environment and only few pages.
> Signed-off-by: Horatiu Vultur <horatiu.vul...@microchip.com>
Applied to u-boot/master, thanks!


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