Thanks guys. I'll take a look at this in more depth. It sounds like this
would be the suggested solution to my problem.

Is there an example somewhere that you could point me towards?

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Scott McNutt <> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Ira W. Snyder wrote:
>> My problem:
>>> If I have an in-memory filesystem on my board (the ramdisk), and I have
>>> the
>>> entire 256MB of memory accessible to the host over the PCI bus, you'd
>>> think
>>> I could write a tool (or find a tool) that I could point at a block of
>>> physical memory and have it recognize it as an ext2 filesystem and read
>>> it
>>> as such. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a precedent for doing
>>> this. Is there a better way to accomplish my goal of getting my logs off
>>> the
>>> ramdisk on the board from the host?
>> I've solved a relatively similar problem here. I have a
>> mpc8349emds-based board that is a PCI target. I've written a couple of
>> smallish drivers for U-Boot and Linux that make the board seem like an
>> ethernet interface.
> Ditto. Ira's suggestion is a very elegant and useful technique ... and
> has been used successfully for many applications.
>  We tftp our kernel and boot our board over NFS using the "ethernet"
>> interface.
> As Ira suggests, once your target appears as an addressable host, the
> sky's the limit. You can telnet/ssh into your target, run tftpd,
> run a web server for configuration/status, etc. Cool stuff!
> Regards,
> --Scott
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