On 21. 12. 18 11:39, Anton Gerasimov wrote:
>> I have not a problem with this change but it has to be done based on
>> more information. It means you should look what requires that memory
>> and if make sense that these components need it at that time.
> Thank you forĀ  the advice, that was quite fruitful. So most of the
> heap (0x5f4 of 0x600) before the relocation is being consumed in
> device_bind_common function which binds device tree entries to
> the drivers.
> If I remove 'u-boot,dm-pre-alloc' from uart0 node, that is not
> being used as far as I can see, it drops to 0x5a0, which lets the board
> boot, but still looks pretty tight. So maybe it's worth extending the heap
> anyway unless you need more information to take the decision.

I understand all of this but will be good to know what consumes that
0x5xx space and if we mark nodes properly that maybe something is not
used and we should remove that marking.

It means expected data is that uarts consumes 0xXXX, axi 0xXXX, sd
0xXXX, etc.


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