Hi Joshua,

On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 6:27 AM Joshua Watt <jpewhac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using u-boot as the boot loader for x86 qemu and some custom
> (e.g. non-default) boot commands. I recently upgraded from u-boot
> 2018.01 to 2018.11 and now my boot command fails because it doesn't
> look like u-boot is loading the driver for the ide device from which
> I'm attempting to load files.
> For reference, I'm basically building the qemu-x86 config only with
> changes to the default boot scripts. Namely, I have:
>         "ide dev ${bootpart}; " \
>         "if run loadbootenv; then " \
>                 "run importbootenv; " \
>         "fi; " \
>         "run doboot; "
> The failure appears to occur when the script attempts to run "ide dev
> ${bootpart}", claiming the ide device doesn't exist. If I manually run
> the command "ide reset", and then "bootd" everything works fine, so I
> think this is being caused by the switch to using the device model for


> ide(?). I suspect this means that I need to make some changes to my
> boot command to get it to probe the ide driver, but I wanted to make
> sure I'm doing that the correct way. Should I simply add a "ide reset"
> as the first line of CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND, or is there a more "correct"
> way to get u-boot to probe the driver?

Yes, adding "ide reset" is the correct way.

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