> ## Unknown FLASH on Bank 1 - Size = 0x00000000 = 0 MB
> flash_protect ON: from 0xFFFC0000 to 0xFFFE81FF
> flash_protect ON: from 0xFFFA0000 to 0xFFFBFFFF
> *** failed ***
> ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

This is just a wild guess. Check that your memory controller setup is
correct. Since you've changed your flash size, you might have a
corrupt memory controller setup. On our Freescale system, we initially
had problems when increasing flash size due to where we've decided to
put the internal space base / memory map (ISB/IMM). When changing the
size, we had to move the IMM to a lower address (.ie at least a sector
below 0xfc000000).

Best regards,
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