Hi Loic,

I totally missed this patchset....

It looks ok, can you rebase it on top of the huge "Amlogic Meson cleanup for 
AXG SoC support" patchset ?

You can remove the RFC tag I think.


On 02/11/2018 15:32, Loic Devulder wrote:
> This patch series modifies the meson clock driver to use syscon/regmap
> like the Linux kernel does. It is needed if we want to share the same
> DTS files with the Linux kernel, as last changes in clock-controller
> break U-Boot.
> I tried to keep compatibility with the old behaviour, if needed.
> These patches also update all meson DTS files to last versions from
> Linux kernel v4.19.
> It was successfully tested on kvim, kvim2 and libretech-cc, both with
> the old and new DTS files. I don't have any p212, nanopi-k2 nor odroid-c2
> boards to test with. As kvim and libretech-cc boards share a lot with
> p212 I don't expect any issue with that board, but if someone is able to
> test on nanopo-k2 and odroid-c2 it could be great :-)
> I opened this patch series as a RFC, as it's not a tricky part (for
> me!) and pretty new to me, so any feedback are welcome and wanted!
> Loic Devulder (3):
>   ARM: meson: Add regmap support for clock driver
>   ARM: meson: Enable syscon on all supported boards
>   ARM: dts: meson: Update dts files from Linux v4.19
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gx.dtsi                    | 31 +++++++++++++----
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxbb-nanopi-k2.dts         | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxbb.dtsi                  | 14 ++++----
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxl-mali.dtsi              |  2 +-
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxl-s905x-libretech-cc.dts |  5 +--
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxl-s905x-p212.dtsi        |  8 ++---
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxl.dtsi                   | 26 ++++++--------
>  arch/arm/dts/meson-gxm-khadas-vim2.dts        | 24 +++++++++++++
>  configs/khadas-vim2_defconfig                 |  1 +
>  configs/khadas-vim_defconfig                  |  1 +
>  configs/libretech-cc_defconfig                |  1 +
>  configs/nanopi-k2_defconfig                   |  1 +
>  configs/odroid-c2_defconfig                   |  1 +
>  configs/p212_defconfig                        |  1 +
>  drivers/clk/clk_meson.c                       | 49 
> +++++++++++++++------------
>  15 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

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