Most cmd/xxx.c source files expose several commands through a single
entry point. Some of them are doing the sub-command parsing manually in
their do_<cmd>() function, others are declaring a table of sub-commands
and then use find_cmd_tbl() to delegate the request to the sub command

In both case, the amount of code to do that is not negligible and
repetitive, not to mention that almost no commands are implementing
a auto-completion hook, which means most u-boot lack auto-completion.

Provide several macros to easily define sub-commands and commands
exposing such sub-commands.

Signed-off-by: Boris Brezillon <>
 include/command.h | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/command.h b/include/command.h
index 89efcecfa926..d83647f9f010 100644
--- a/include/command.h
+++ b/include/command.h
@@ -187,6 +187,44 @@ int board_run_command(const char *cmdline);
 # define _CMD_HELP(x)
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMDS_DO_CMD(_cmdname, _maxargs)                      \
+       static int do_##_cmdname(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc,  \
+                                char * const argv[])                   \
+       {                                                               \
+               cmd_tbl_t *subcmd;                                      \
+                                                                       \
+               /* We need at least the cmd and subcmd names. */        \
+               if (argc < 2 || argc > CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS)              \
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;                           \
+                                                                       \
+               subcmd = find_cmd_tbl(argv[1], _cmdname##_subcmds,      \
+                                     ARRAY_SIZE(_cmdname##_subcmds));  \
+               if (!subcmd || argc - 1 > subcmd->maxargs)              \
+                       return CMD_RET_USAGE;                           \
+                                                                       \
+               return subcmd->cmd(subcmd, flag, argc - 1, argv + 1);   \
+       }
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMDS_COMPLETE(_cmdname, _maxargs)                    \
+       static int complete_##_cmdname(int argc, char * const argv[],   \
+                                      char last_char, int maxv,        \
+                                      char *cmdv[])                    \
+       {                                                               \
+               return complete_subcmdv(_cmdname##_subcmds,             \
+                                       ARRAY_SIZE(_cmdname##_subcmds), \
+                                       argc - 1, argv + 1, last_char,  \
+                                       maxv, cmdv);                    \
+       }
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMDS_COMPLETE(_cmdname, _maxargs)
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMDS(_cmdname, _maxargs, ...)                                
+       static cmd_tbl_t _cmdname##_subcmds[] = { __VA_ARGS__ };        \
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMDS_DO_CMD(_cmdname, _maxargs)                       \
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMDS_COMPLETE(_cmdname, _maxargs)
 #define U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd,         \
                                _usage, _help, _comp)                   \
@@ -227,4 +265,17 @@ int board_run_command(const char *cmdline);
        U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _cmd,          \
                                        _usage, _help, NULL)
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _do_cmd, _comp)  \
+       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, 0, _do_cmd, "", "",  \
+                                 _comp)
+#define U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT(_name, _maxargs, _do_cmd)                  \
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMD_MKENT_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _do_cmd, NULL)
+#define U_BOOT_CMD_WITH_SUBCMDS(_name, _maxargs, _rep, _usage, _help,  \
+                               ...)                                    \
+       U_BOOT_SUBCMDS(_name, _maxargs, __VA_ARGS__)                    \
+       U_BOOT_CMD_COMPLETE(_name, _maxargs, _rep, do_##_name, _usage,  \
+                           _help, complete_##_name)
 #endif /* __COMMAND_H */

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