Comment in Linux driver says that clock needs to be doubled only
if we use DDR modes, moreover divider has to be set accordingly.

U-boot driver doesn't declare support for any DDR modes and doesn't
set internal clock divider in CLKCR, so it doubles clock
unconditionally when new mode is used.

Some cards can't handle that and as result SPL fails to load u-boot.

Fixes: de9b1771c3b ("mmc: sunxi: Support new mode")
Signed-off-by: Vasily Khoruzhick <>
 drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c | 7 -------
 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c b/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
index b3526f5e3f..e50b2c3343 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
@@ -109,13 +109,6 @@ static int mmc_set_mod_clk(struct sunxi_mmc_priv *priv, 
unsigned int hz)
        calibrate = true;
-       /*
-        * The MMC clock has an extra /2 post-divider when operating in the new
-        * mode.
-        */
-       if (new_mode)
-               hz = hz * 2;
        if (hz <= 24000000) {
                pll = CCM_MMC_CTRL_OSCM24;
                pll_hz = 24000000;

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