Sarah, It looks to me from the attached image that the error is related to an expected, but missing value for the -march flag. To me, I'd expect to see "-march=ARMv5 switch" instead of "-march= switch". Make note of the empty space in the second.
However I defer to anyone else more knowledgeable on the subject, I'm very new user of the project myself. Best regards, - Ian ________________________________________ From: U-Boot <> on behalf of Sarah Wicker <> Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:19 AM To: Subject: [U-Boot] error in the make: bad value in the asm-offsets.c file Good Morning, i am trying to compile u-boot on my pc to use it for a ZedBoard from Xilinx. I cloned the repository u-boot-xlnx using this link: Made the first make to build the U-boot for a ZedBoard, it works well. Asked for the second make and i received the message that in the file asm-offsets.c:1:0: error: bad value (armv5) for -march=switch I opened the file but couldn't see were was this value [cid:image001.jpg@01D476BE.1BC339F0] For information i am trying to compile on a virtual machine using Debian9.5.0 I thank you in advance for your help Sarah Wicker _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list