Currently, there is no easy way to add or modify UEFI variables.
In particular, bootmgr supports BootOrder/BootXXXX variables, it is
quite hard to define them as u-boot variables because they are represented
in a complicated and encoded format.

The new command, efishell, helps address these issues and give us
more friendly interfaces:
 * efishell boot add: add BootXXXX variable
 * efishell boot rm: remove BootXXXX variable
 * efishell boot dump: display all BootXXXX variables
 * efishell boot order: set/display a boot order (BootOrder)
 * efishell setvar: set an UEFI variable (with limited functionality)
 * efishell dumpvar: display all UEFI variables

As the name suggests, this command basically provides a subset fo UEFI
shell commands with simplified functionality.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <>
 cmd/Makefile   |   2 +-
 cmd/efishell.c | 531 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 532 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 cmd/efishell.c

diff --git a/cmd/Makefile b/cmd/Makefile
index a61fab6583df..e18fb21e4b71 100644
--- a/cmd/Makefile
+++ b/cmd/Makefile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BINOP) += binop.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BLOCK_CACHE) += blkcache.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BMP) += bmp.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTCOUNT) += bootcount.o
-obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI) += bootefi.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI) += bootefi.o efishell.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTMENU) += bootmenu.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTSTAGE) += bootstage.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTZ) += bootz.o
diff --git a/cmd/efishell.c b/cmd/efishell.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7cadb9e47712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/efishell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ *  EFI Shell-like command
+ *
+ *  Copyright (c) 2018 Takahiro AKASHI, Linaro Limited
+ */
+#include <charset.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <efi_loader.h>
+#include <environment.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <exports.h>
+#include <search.h>
+#include <asm/global_data.h>
+ * From efi_variable.c,
+ *
+ * Mapping between EFI variables and u-boot variables:
+ *
+ *   efi_$guid_$varname = {attributes}(type)value
+ */
+static int do_efi_dump_var(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       char regex[256];
+       char * const regexlist[] = {regex};
+       char *res = NULL;
+       int len;
+       if (argc > 2)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       if (argc == 2)
+               snprintf(regex, 256, "efi_.*-.*-.*-.*-.*_%s", argv[1]);
+       else
+               snprintf(regex, 256, "efi_.*-.*-.*-.*-.*_.*");
+       debug("%s:%d grep uefi var %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, regex);
+       len = hexport_r(&env_htab, '\n', H_MATCH_REGEX | H_MATCH_KEY,
+                       &res, 0, 1, regexlist);
+       if (len < 0)
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       if (len > 0) {
+               puts(res);
+               free(res);
+               if (len < 2 && argc == 2)
+                       printf("%s: not found\n", argv[1]);
+       }
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static bool isalnum(char c)
+       if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+               return true;
+       if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+               return true;
+       if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+               return true;
+       return false;
+static int do_efi_set_var(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       char *value, *data, *ptr, *ptr2 = NULL, num[3] = {'\0', '\0', '\0'};
+       unsigned long len, size;
+       u16 *var_name16;
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       if (argc > 3)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       if (argc == 1)
+               return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+       if (argc == 2) {
+               /* remove */
+               value = NULL;
+               size = 0;
+       } else { /* set */
+               value = argv[2];
+               if (value[0] == '=')
+                       value++;
+               len = strlen(value);
+               if ((len > 2) && !strncmp(value, "0x", 2)) {
+                       if ((len % 2))
+                               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+                       data = value + 2;
+                       size = (len - 2) / 2;
+                       /* FIXME */
+                       ptr = malloc(size);
+                       ptr2 = ptr;
+                       len = 0;
+                       while (len < size * 2) {
+                               num[0] = data[len++];
+                               num[1] = data[len++];
+                               if (!isalnum(num[0]) || !isalnum(num[1])) {
+                                       printf("Invalid format: %s\n\n", value);
+                                       ret = CMD_RET_USAGE;
+                                       goto out;
+                               }
+                               *ptr++ = (char)simple_strtoul(num, NULL, 16);
+                       }
+                       value = data;
+               } else {
+                       size = len;
+               }
+       }
+       var_name16 = malloc((strlen(argv[1]) + 1) * 2);
+       utf8_to_utf16(var_name16, (u8 *)argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       ret = efi_set_variable(var_name16, &guid,
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, size, value);
+       if (ptr2)
+               free(ptr2);
+       return ret;
+static int do_efi_boot_add(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       int id;
+       char *endp;
+       char var_name[9];
+       u16 var_name16[9];
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       u32 attr;
+       size_t label_len, label_len16;
+       u16 *label, *p;
+       char *interface, *device, *file, *option;
+       struct efi_device_path *device_path = NULL, *file_path = NULL;
+       void *data = NULL;
+       unsigned long size;
+       int ret;
+       if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       id = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[1], &endp, 0);
+       if (*endp != '\0' || id > 0xffff)
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       sprintf(var_name, "Boot%04X", id);
+       utf8_to_utf16(var_name16, (u8 *)var_name, 9);
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       attr = 0x1; /* always ACTIVE */
+       label_len = strlen(argv[2]);
+       label_len16 = utf8_utf16_strnlen(argv[2], label_len);
+       label = malloc((label_len16 + 1) * sizeof(u16));
+       if (!label)
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       p = label;
+       utf8_utf16_strncpy(&p, argv[2], label_len);
+       interface = argv[3];
+       device = argv[4];
+       file = argv[5];
+       option = (argc == 6 ? "" : argv[6]);
+       ret = efi_dp_from_name(interface, device, file, &device_path,
+                              &file_path);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+               ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       size = efi_marshal_load_option(attr, label, file_path, option, &data);
+       if (!size) {
+               ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       ret = efi_set_variable(var_name16, &guid,
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, size, data);
+       free(data);
+       free(device_path);
+       free(file_path);
+       free(label);
+       return ret;
+static int do_efi_boot_rm(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       int id, i;
+       char *endp;
+       char var_name[9];
+       u16 var_name16[9];
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       if (argc == 1)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       for (i = 1; i < argc; i++, argv++) {
+               id = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[1], &endp, 0);
+               if (*endp != '\0' || id > 0xffff)
+                       return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               sprintf(var_name, "Boot%04X", id);
+               utf8_to_utf16(var_name16, (u8 *)var_name, 9);
+               ret = efi_set_variable(var_name16, &guid,
+                                      EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                      EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 0, NULL);
+               if (ret) {
+                       printf("cannot remove Boot%04X", id);
+                       return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+               }
+       }
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static void show_efi_boot_opt_data(int id, void *data)
+       struct load_option lo;
+       char *label, *p;
+       size_t label_len16, label_len;
+       u16 *dp_str;
+       efi_parse_load_option(&lo, data);
+       label_len16 = u16_strlen(lo.label);
+       label_len = utf16_utf8_strnlen(lo.label, label_len16);
+       label = malloc(label_len + 1);
+       if (!label)
+               return;
+       p = label;
+       utf16_utf8_strncpy(&p, lo.label, label_len16);
+       printf("Boot%04X:\n", id);
+       printf("\tattributes: %c%c%c (0x%08x)\n",
+              /* ACTIVE */
+              lo.attributes & 0x1 ? 'A' : '-',
+              /* FORCE RECONNECT */
+              lo.attributes & 0x2 ? 'R' : '-',
+              /* HIDDEN */
+              lo.attributes & 0x8 ? 'H' : '-',
+              lo.attributes);
+       printf("\tlabel: %s\n", label);
+       dp_str = efi_dp_str(lo.file_path);
+       printf("\tfile_path: %ls\n", dp_str);
+       efi_free_pool(dp_str);
+       printf("\tdata: %s\n", lo.optional_data);
+       free(label);
+static void show_efi_boot_opt(int id)
+       char var_name[9];
+       u16 var_name16[9];
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       void *data = NULL;
+       unsigned long size;
+       int ret;
+       sprintf(var_name, "Boot%04X", id);
+       utf8_to_utf16(var_name16, (u8 *)var_name, 9);
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       size = 0;
+       ret = efi_get_variable(var_name16, &guid, NULL, &size, NULL);
+       if (ret == (int)EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
+               data = malloc(size);
+               ret = efi_get_variable(var_name16, &guid, NULL, &size, data);
+       }
+       if (ret == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+               show_efi_boot_opt_data(id, data);
+               free(data);
+       } else if (ret == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
+               printf("Boot%04X: not found\n", id);
+       }
+static int do_efi_boot_dump(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       char regex[256];
+       char * const regexlist[] = {regex};
+       char *variables = NULL, *boot, *value;
+       int len;
+       int id;
+       if (argc > 1)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       snprintf(regex, 256, "efi_.*-.*-.*-.*-.*_Boot[0-9A-F]+");
+       len = hexport_r(&env_htab, '\n', H_MATCH_REGEX | H_MATCH_KEY,
+                       &variables, 0, 1, regexlist);
+       if (!len)
+               return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+       if (len < 0)
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       boot = variables;
+       while (*boot) {
+               value = strstr(boot, "Boot") + 4;
+               id = (int)simple_strtoul(value, NULL, 16);
+               show_efi_boot_opt(id);
+               boot = strchr(boot, '\n');
+               if (!*boot)
+                       break;
+               boot++;
+       }
+       free(variables);
+       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+static int show_efi_boot_order(void)
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       u16 *bootorder = NULL;
+       unsigned long size;
+       int num, i;
+       char var_name[9];
+       u16 var_name16[9];
+       void *data;
+       struct load_option lo;
+       char *label, *p;
+       size_t label_len16, label_len;
+       efi_status_t ret = CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       size = 0;
+       ret = efi_get_variable(L"BootOrder", &guid, NULL, &size, NULL);
+       if (ret == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
+               bootorder = malloc(size);
+               ret = efi_get_variable(L"BootOrder", &guid, NULL, &size,
+                                      bootorder);
+       }
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+               printf("BootOrder not defined\n");
+               return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
+       }
+       num = size / sizeof(u16);
+       for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+               sprintf(var_name, "Boot%04X", bootorder[i]);
+               utf8_to_utf16(var_name16, (u8 *)var_name, 9);
+               size = 0;
+               ret = efi_get_variable(var_name16, &guid, NULL, &size, NULL);
+               if (ret != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
+                       printf("%2d: Boot%04X: (not defined)\n",
+                              i + 1, bootorder[i]);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               data = malloc(size);
+               if (!data) {
+                       ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               ret = efi_get_variable(var_name16, &guid, NULL, &size, data);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+                       free(data);
+                       ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               efi_parse_load_option(&lo, data);
+               label_len16 = u16_strlen(lo.label);
+               label_len = utf16_utf8_strnlen(lo.label, label_len16);
+               label = malloc(label_len + 1);
+               if (!label) {
+                       free(data);
+                       ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               p = label;
+               utf16_utf8_strncpy(&p, lo.label, label_len16);
+               printf("%2d: Boot%04X: %s\n", i + 1, bootorder[i], label);
+               free(label);
+               free(data);
+       }
+       free(bootorder);
+       return ret;
+static int do_efi_boot_order(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       u16 *bootorder = NULL;
+       unsigned long size;
+       int id, i;
+       char *endp;
+       efi_guid_t guid;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       if (argc == 1)
+               return show_efi_boot_order();
+       argc--;
+       argv++;
+       size = argc * sizeof(u16);
+       bootorder = malloc(size);
+       if (!bootorder)
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+               id = (int)simple_strtoul(argv[i], &endp, 0);
+               if (*endp != '\0' || id > 0xffff) {
+                       printf("invalid value: %s\n", argv[i]);
+                       ret = CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               bootorder[i] = (u16)id;
+       }
+       guid = efi_global_variable_guid;
+       ret = efi_set_variable(L"BootOrder", &guid,
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                              EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, size, bootorder);
+       free(bootorder);
+       return ret;
+static int do_efi_boot_opt(int argc, char * const argv[])
+       char *sub_command;
+       if (argc < 2)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       argc--; argv++;
+       sub_command = argv[0];
+       if (!strcmp(sub_command, "add"))
+               return do_efi_boot_add(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(sub_command, "rm"))
+               return do_efi_boot_rm(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(sub_command, "dump"))
+               return do_efi_boot_dump(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(sub_command, "order"))
+               return do_efi_boot_order(argc, argv);
+       else
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+/* Interpreter command to configure EFI environment */
+static int do_efishell(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag,
+                      int argc, char * const argv[])
+       char *command;
+       /* TODO: declare this somewhere else */
+       extern efi_status_t efi_init_obj_list(void);
+       efi_status_t r;
+       if (argc < 2)
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+       argc--; argv++;
+       command = argv[0];
+       /* Initialize EFI drivers */
+       r = efi_init_obj_list();
+       if (r != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+               printf("Error: Cannot set up EFI drivers, r = %lu\n",
+                      r & ~EFI_ERROR_MASK);
+               return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
+       }
+       if (!strcmp(command, "boot"))
+               return do_efi_boot_opt(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(command, "dumpvar"))
+               return do_efi_dump_var(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(command, "setvar"))
+               return do_efi_set_var(argc, argv);
+       else
+               return CMD_RET_USAGE;
+static char efishell_help_text[] =
+       "  - EFI Shell-like interface to configure EFI environment\n"
+       "\n"
+       "efishell boot add <bootid> <label> <interface> <device>[:<part>] <file 
path> <option>\n"
+       "  - set uefi's BOOT variable\n"
+       "efishell boot rm <bootid#1> [<bootid#2> [<bootid#3> [...]]]\n"
+       "  - set/display uefi boot order\n"
+       "efishell boot dump\n"
+       "  - display all uefi's BOOT variables\n"
+       "efishell boot order [<bootid#1> [<bootid#2> [<bootid#3> [...]]]]\n"
+       "  - set/display uefi boot order\n"
+       "\n"
+       "efishell dumpvar [<name>]\n"
+       "  - get uefi variable's value\n"
+       "efishell setvar <name> [<value>]\n"
+       "  - set/delete uefi variable's value\n"
+       "    <value> may be \"=\"...\"\", \"=0x...\" (set) or \"=\" (delete)\n";
+       efishell, 10, 0, do_efishell,
+       "Configure EFI environment",
+       efishell_help_text

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