
hopefully you can help and point me in the right direction.

I want to boot u-boot with resides in NOR flash to then boot the linux
kernel with is on partition 1 of my sd-card.

I can compile the u-boot found here [1] and it works when at
0x33F8'0000, with is in NAND. Just changing all the places where
0x33F80000 occurs so that -DTEXT_BASE= is set to 0x0000'0000 (I think
that the NOR starts at 0x0000'0000) and just putting it in NOR does not
seem to be enough. From [2] it looks like there is already support for

How can I get u-boot to do what I want? Where do I start?

The hardware is:
mini2440 with S3C2440A ARM920T, 2MB NOR flash, 64 MB SDRAM and 128MB
NAND flash

[1] http://repo.or.cz/w/u-boot-openmoko/mini2440.git

Thanks in advance

Grüße / Regards
B.Sc. André Lochotzke

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