With there now being four device tree files, and 4 separate
defconfig files, the code necessary to determine which board is
being used is no longer necessary as the corresponding pin-muxing
and board names are determined by the device tree.

Signed-off-by: Adam Ford <aford...@gmail.com>

diff --git a/board/logicpd/omap3som/omap3logic.c 
index 620423bbc8..6054ed8739 100644
--- a/board/logicpd/omap3som/omap3logic.c
+++ b/board/logicpd/omap3som/omap3logic.c
@@ -70,40 +70,6 @@ U_BOOT_DEVICE(am335x_mmc0) = {
- * two dimensional array of strucures containining board name and Linux
- * machine IDs; row it selected based on CPU column is slected based
- * on hsusb0_data5 pin having a pulldown resistor
- */
-static struct board_id {
-       char *name;
-       int machine_id;
-       char *fdtfile;
-} boards[2][2] = {
-       {
-               {
-                       .name           = "OMAP35xx SOM LV",
-                       .machine_id     = MACH_TYPE_OMAP3530_LV_SOM,
-                       .fdtfile        = "logicpd-som-lv-35xx-devkit.dtb",
-               },
-               {
-                       .name           = "OMAP35xx Torpedo",
-                       .machine_id     = MACH_TYPE_OMAP3_TORPEDO,
-                       .fdtfile        = "logicpd-torpedo-35xx-devkit.dtb",
-               },
-       },
-       {
-               {
-                       .name           = "DM37xx SOM LV",
-                       .fdtfile        = "logicpd-som-lv-37xx-devkit.dtb",
-               },
-               {
-                       .name           = "DM37xx Torpedo",
-                       .fdtfile        = "logicpd-torpedo-37xx-devkit.dtb",
-               },
-       },
 int spl_start_uboot(void)
@@ -226,7 +192,6 @@ int ehci_hcd_stop(int index)
 #endif /* CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD */
  * Routine: misc_init_r
  * Description: Configure board specific parts
@@ -243,11 +208,6 @@ int misc_init_r(void)
        return 0;
- * BOARD_ID_GPIO - GPIO of pin with optional pulldown resistor on SOM LV
- */
-#define BOARD_ID_GPIO  189 /* hsusb0_data5 pin */
  * Routine: board_init
  * Description: Early hardware init.
@@ -275,54 +235,6 @@ static void unlock_nand(void)
 int board_late_init(void)
-       struct board_id *board;
-       unsigned int val;
-       /*
-        * To identify between a SOM LV and Torpedo module,
-        * a pulldown resistor is on hsusb0_data5 for the SOM LV module.
-        * Drive the pin (and let it soak), then read it back.
-        * If the pin is still high its a Torpedo.  If low its a SOM LV
-        */
-       /* Mux hsusb0_data5 as a GPIO */
-       MUX_VAL(CP(HSUSB0_DATA5),       (IEN  | PTD | DIS | M4));
-       if (gpio_request(BOARD_ID_GPIO, "husb0_data5.gpio_189") == 0) {
-               /*
-                * Drive BOARD_ID_GPIO - the pulldown resistor on the SOM LV
-                * will drain the voltage.
-                */
-               gpio_direction_output(BOARD_ID_GPIO, 0);
-               gpio_set_value(BOARD_ID_GPIO, 1);
-               /* Let it soak for a bit */
-               sdelay(0x100);
-               /*
-                * Read state of BOARD_ID_GPIO as an input and if its set.
-                * If so the board is a Torpedo
-                */
-               gpio_direction_input(BOARD_ID_GPIO);
-               val = gpio_get_value(BOARD_ID_GPIO);
-               gpio_free(BOARD_ID_GPIO);
-               board = &boards[!!(get_cpu_family() == CPU_OMAP36XX)][!!val];
-               printf("Board: %s\n", board->name);
-               /* Set the machine_id passed to Linux */
-               if (board->machine_id)
-                       gd->bd->bi_arch_number = board->machine_id;
-               /* If the user has not set fdtimage, set the default */
-               if (!env_get("fdtimage"))
-                       env_set("fdtimage", board->fdtfile);
-       }
-       /* restore hsusb0_data5 pin as hsusb0_data5 */
-       MUX_VAL(CP(HSUSB0_DATA5),       (IEN  | PTD | DIS | M0));
@@ -363,5 +275,3 @@ int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
        return smc911x_initialize(0, CONFIG_SMC911X_BASE);
diff --git a/include/configs/omap3_logic.h b/include/configs/omap3_logic.h
index 2cbdbebb26..8644e16830 100644
--- a/include/configs/omap3_logic.h
+++ b/include/configs/omap3_logic.h
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
"ip=${ipaddr}:${tftpserver}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}::eth0:off\0" \
        "nfsrootpath=/opt/nfs-exports/omap\0" \
        "autoload=no\0" \
+       "fdtimage=" CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE ".dtb\0" \
        "loadfdt=mmc rescan; " \
                "load mmc ${mmcdev} ${fdtaddr} ${fdtimage}\0" \
        "mmcbootcommon=echo Booting with DT from mmc${mmcdev} ...; " \

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