Make the behavior of the send function reusable.

Signed-off-by: Joe Hershberger <>

 arch/sandbox/include/asm/eth.h |  20 +++++
 drivers/net/sandbox.c          | 176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/sandbox/include/asm/eth.h b/arch/sandbox/include/asm/eth.h
index bfcd11b593..00062616a4 100644
--- a/arch/sandbox/include/asm/eth.h
+++ b/arch/sandbox/include/asm/eth.h
@@ -13,4 +13,24 @@ void sandbox_eth_disable_response(int index, bool disable);
 void sandbox_eth_skip_timeout(void);
+ * sandbox_eth_arp_req_to_reply()
+ *
+ * Check for an arp request to be sent. If so, inject a reply
+ *
+ * returns 1 if injected, 0 if not
+ */
+int sandbox_eth_arp_req_to_reply(struct udevice *dev, void *packet,
+                                unsigned int len);
+ * sandbox_eth_ping_req_to_reply()
+ *
+ * Check for a ping request to be sent. If so, inject a reply
+ *
+ * returns 1 if injected, 0 if not
+ */
+int sandbox_eth_ping_req_to_reply(struct udevice *dev, void *packet,
+                                 unsigned int len);
 #endif /* __ETH_H */
diff --git a/drivers/net/sandbox.c b/drivers/net/sandbox.c
index 60fe065ee5..5746af11a6 100644
--- a/drivers/net/sandbox.c
+++ b/drivers/net/sandbox.c
@@ -63,6 +63,108 @@ void sandbox_eth_skip_timeout(void)
        skip_timeout = true;
+ * sandbox_eth_arp_req_to_reply()
+ *
+ * Check for an arp request to be sent. If so, inject a reply
+ *
+ * returns 1 if injected, 0 if not
+ */
+int sandbox_eth_arp_req_to_reply(struct udevice *dev, void *packet,
+                                unsigned int len)
+       struct eth_sandbox_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       struct ethernet_hdr *eth = packet;
+       struct arp_hdr *arp;
+       struct ethernet_hdr *eth_recv;
+       struct arp_hdr *arp_recv;
+       if (ntohs(eth->et_protlen) != PROT_ARP)
+               return 0;
+       arp = packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+       if (ntohs(arp->ar_op) != ARPOP_REQUEST)
+               return 0;
+       /* store this as the assumed IP of the fake host */
+       priv->fake_host_ipaddr = net_read_ip(&arp->ar_tpa);
+       /* Formulate a fake response */
+       eth_recv = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer;
+       memcpy(eth_recv->et_dest, eth->et_src, ARP_HLEN);
+       memcpy(eth_recv->et_src, priv->fake_host_hwaddr, ARP_HLEN);
+       eth_recv->et_protlen = htons(PROT_ARP);
+       arp_recv = (void *)eth_recv + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+       arp_recv->ar_hrd = htons(ARP_ETHER);
+       arp_recv->ar_pro = htons(PROT_IP);
+       arp_recv->ar_hln = ARP_HLEN;
+       arp_recv->ar_pln = ARP_PLEN;
+       arp_recv->ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY);
+       memcpy(&arp_recv->ar_sha, priv->fake_host_hwaddr, ARP_HLEN);
+       net_write_ip(&arp_recv->ar_spa, priv->fake_host_ipaddr);
+       memcpy(&arp_recv->ar_tha, &arp->ar_sha, ARP_HLEN);
+       net_copy_ip(&arp_recv->ar_tpa, &arp->ar_spa);
+       priv->recv_packet_length = ETHER_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE;
+       return 1;
+ * sandbox_eth_ping_req_to_reply()
+ *
+ * Check for a ping request to be sent. If so, inject a reply
+ *
+ * returns 1 if injected, 0 if not
+ */
+int sandbox_eth_ping_req_to_reply(struct udevice *dev, void *packet,
+                                 unsigned int len)
+       struct eth_sandbox_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       struct ethernet_hdr *eth = packet;
+       struct ip_udp_hdr *ip;
+       struct icmp_hdr *icmp;
+       struct ethernet_hdr *eth_recv;
+       struct ip_udp_hdr *ipr;
+       struct icmp_hdr *icmpr;
+       if (ntohs(eth->et_protlen) != PROT_IP)
+               return 0;
+       ip = packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+       if (ip->ip_p != IPPROTO_ICMP)
+               return 0;
+       icmp = (struct icmp_hdr *)&ip->udp_src;
+       if (icmp->type != ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST)
+               return 0;
+       /* reply to the ping */
+       eth_recv = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer;
+       memcpy(eth_recv, packet, len);
+       ipr = (void *)eth_recv + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
+       icmpr = (struct icmp_hdr *)&ipr->udp_src;
+       memcpy(eth_recv->et_dest, eth->et_src, ARP_HLEN);
+       memcpy(eth_recv->et_src, priv->fake_host_hwaddr, ARP_HLEN);
+       ipr->ip_sum = 0;
+       ipr->ip_off = 0;
+       net_copy_ip((void *)&ipr->ip_dst, &ip->ip_src);
+       net_write_ip((void *)&ipr->ip_src, priv->fake_host_ipaddr);
+       ipr->ip_sum = compute_ip_checksum(ipr, IP_HDR_SIZE);
+       icmpr->type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY;
+       icmpr->checksum = 0;
+       icmpr->checksum = compute_ip_checksum(icmpr, ICMP_HDR_SIZE);
+       priv->recv_packet_length = len;
+       return 1;
 static int sb_eth_start(struct udevice *dev)
        struct eth_sandbox_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
@@ -77,84 +179,14 @@ static int sb_eth_start(struct udevice *dev)
 static int sb_eth_send(struct udevice *dev, void *packet, int length)
        struct eth_sandbox_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
-       struct ethernet_hdr *eth = packet;
        debug("eth_sandbox: Send packet %d\n", length);
        if (priv->disabled)
                return 0;
-       if (ntohs(eth->et_protlen) == PROT_ARP) {
-               struct arp_hdr *arp = packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
-               if (ntohs(arp->ar_op) == ARPOP_REQUEST) {
-                       struct ethernet_hdr *eth_recv;
-                       struct arp_hdr *arp_recv;
-                       /* store this as the assumed IP of the fake host */
-                       priv->fake_host_ipaddr = net_read_ip(&arp->ar_tpa);
-                       /* Formulate a fake response */
-                       eth_recv = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer;
-                       memcpy(eth_recv->et_dest, eth->et_src, ARP_HLEN);
-                       memcpy(eth_recv->et_src, priv->fake_host_hwaddr,
-                              ARP_HLEN);
-                       eth_recv->et_protlen = htons(PROT_ARP);
-                       arp_recv = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer +
-                               ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
-                       arp_recv->ar_hrd = htons(ARP_ETHER);
-                       arp_recv->ar_pro = htons(PROT_IP);
-                       arp_recv->ar_hln = ARP_HLEN;
-                       arp_recv->ar_pln = ARP_PLEN;
-                       arp_recv->ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY);
-                       memcpy(&arp_recv->ar_sha, priv->fake_host_hwaddr,
-                              ARP_HLEN);
-                       net_write_ip(&arp_recv->ar_spa, priv->fake_host_ipaddr);
-                       memcpy(&arp_recv->ar_tha, &arp->ar_sha, ARP_HLEN);
-                       net_copy_ip(&arp_recv->ar_tpa, &arp->ar_spa);
-                       priv->recv_packet_length = ETHER_HDR_SIZE +
-                               ARP_HDR_SIZE;
-               }
-       } else if (ntohs(eth->et_protlen) == PROT_IP) {
-               struct ip_udp_hdr *ip = packet + ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
-               if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_ICMP) {
-                       struct icmp_hdr *icmp = (struct icmp_hdr *)&ip->udp_src;
-                       if (icmp->type == ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST) {
-                               struct ethernet_hdr *eth_recv;
-                               struct ip_udp_hdr *ipr;
-                               struct icmp_hdr *icmpr;
-                               /* reply to the ping */
-                               memcpy(priv->recv_packet_buffer, packet,
-                                      length);
-                               eth_recv = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer;
-                               ipr = (void *)priv->recv_packet_buffer +
-                                       ETHER_HDR_SIZE;
-                               icmpr = (struct icmp_hdr *)&ipr->udp_src;
-                               memcpy(eth_recv->et_dest, eth->et_src,
-                                      ARP_HLEN);
-                               memcpy(eth_recv->et_src, priv->fake_host_hwaddr,
-                                      ARP_HLEN);
-                               ipr->ip_sum = 0;
-                               ipr->ip_off = 0;
-                               net_copy_ip((void *)&ipr->ip_dst, &ip->ip_src);
-                               net_write_ip((void *)&ipr->ip_src,
-                                            priv->fake_host_ipaddr);
-                               ipr->ip_sum = compute_ip_checksum(ipr,
-                                       IP_HDR_SIZE);
-                               icmpr->type = ICMP_ECHO_REPLY;
-                               icmpr->checksum = 0;
-                               icmpr->checksum = compute_ip_checksum(icmpr,
-                                       ICMP_HDR_SIZE);
-                               priv->recv_packet_length = length;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
+       sandbox_eth_arp_req_to_reply(dev, packet, length);
+       sandbox_eth_ping_req_to_reply(dev, packet, length);
        return 0;

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