This patch series is an attempt to address FAT write related issues
in an effort of running UEFI SCT (Self-Certification Test) to verify
UEFI support on u-boot.

SCT is a test platform as well as an extentisive collection of test
cases for UEFI specification. It can run all the tests automatically
and save test results to dedicated log files.

AFAIK, what's missing in the current fat file system to safely run
SCT without errors (I don't mean test case failures) are:
* write a file located under sub-directories
* write a file with non-zero offset
* delete a file
* create a directory

Patch#1 to patch#6 are some sort of preparatory ones.
Patch#7 implements write with sub-directories path.
Patch#8 to patch#10 implement write with non-zero offset.
Patch#11 to patch#15 are related to creating a directory.
Patch#16 provides delete, but it doesn't actually delete a file
but instead return 0 with purging a file content, which is good
enough to run SCT for now.
Finally, patch#17 fixes a minor bug in

I applied this patch set on top of v2018.07 along with a couple of
yet-to--be-upstreamed UEFI-related patches, and could successfully
run unmodified SCT[1] on qemu-arm.


AKASHI Takahiro (17):
  fs: fat: extend get_fs_info() for write use
  fs: fat: handle "." and ".." of root dir correctly with
  fs: fat: make directory iterator global for write use
  fs: fat: assure iterator's ->dent belongs to ->clust
  fs: fat: check and normailze file name
  fs: fat: write returns error code instead of -1
  fs: fat: support write with sub-directory path
  fs: fat: refactor write interface for a file offset
  fs: fat: support write with non-zero offset
  cmd: fat: add offset parameter to fatwrite
  fs: add mkdir interface
  fs: fat: remember the starting cluster number of directory
  fs: fat: support mkdir
  cmd: fat: add fatmkdir command
  efi_loader: file: support creating a directory
  efi_loader: implement a pseudo "file delete"
  fs-test: fix false positive error at Test Case 12

 cmd/fat.c                 |   22 +-
 fs/fat/fat.c              |   98 ++--
 fs/fat/fat_write.c        | 1051 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 fs/fs.c                   |   46 ++
 include/fat.h             |   37 ++
 include/fs.h              |   10 +
 lib/efi_loader/efi_file.c |   24 +-
 test/fs/        |    2 +-
 8 files changed, 825 insertions(+), 465 deletions(-)


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