On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Wolfgang Denk <w...@denx.de> wrote:
> Dear "Parks, Derek",
> In message 
> <821b2170e9e7f04fa38df7ec21de487119ef6...@vcaexch01.hq.corp.viasat.com> you 
> wrote:
>> I have an c++ application that needs to display various versions of
>> system components; u-boot, kernel, O/S flavor, hardware and software
>> versions.  I'm struggling with getting the u-boot version and ask for
>> your help.  My ideal situation is to have U-boot report (somehow) to
>> Linux it's version number and have Linux store it in environment
>> variables.  Any thoughts?
> When CONFIG_VERSION_VARIABLE is set in your board config file, then
> U-Boot will set the "ver" envrionment variable to the current version
> ID string. If you run "saveenv" at least once, then you can read this
> string from the U-Boot environment under Linux, using the fw_getenv
> tool / function provided in tools/env/ .

It is possible also to pass U-Boot version to Linux by adding it to
the "bootargs" as additional argument unrecognized by Linux.
Afterwards, it can be retrieved from /proc/cmdline.

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