Hi Stephen,

On 16 May 2018 at 12:57, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> On 16 May 2018 at 09:55, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> wrote:
>> On 05/16/2018 01:10 AM, Simon Glass wrote:
>>> The redirection seems to cause this test to fail now. It isn't needed, so
>>> drop it.
>> I guess I have no particular objection to this, but I will point out that
>> the test is working just fine as-is right now, so it might be worth
>> investigating more re: what the error is and why it's happening... It'd be
>> good to describe the details of the failure in the commit description too.
> So the test works OK for you? For me it fails. I'll update the commit message.
>         # Store the output so it can be accessed if we raise an exception.
>         self.output = output
>         self.exit_status = exit_status
>         if exception:
>>           raise exception
> E           Exception: Exit code: 1
> test/py/multiplexed_log.py:173: Exception
> --------------------------------------- Captured stdout call
> ---------------------------------------
> +openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out
> /usr/local/google/home/sjg/cosarm/src/third_party/u-boot/files/build-sandbox/dev.key
> -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537
> 2>/dev/null
> genpkey: Use -help for summary.
> Exit code: 1

From Stephen:

> Yes. I just double-checked and it's definitely running in Jenkins for me; not 
> being skipped or anything. It's running on Denx u-boot.git, u-boot-dm.git and 
> a slew of others too. I assume it's running on Travis CI without issue too.

> I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 right now, but only recently upgraded from 14.04 
> where I believe the test was running without issue too. Is this issue 
> OS-specific or Python-version-specific (I have 2.7.12)?

I am really not sure what is going on...I can definitely repeat this
but only on my workstation, not my laptop.

I will see if I can dig into it further.

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