
Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Michael Trimarchi,
> please note that the old list at SourceForge is dead. Don;t use it any
> more.
I know that. I didn't check before sending
> In message <4b7b95eb.4030...@gandalf.sssup.it> you wrote:
>> What do you think about a mailing list for newbie? So people can ask 
>> there and someone can help them
>> in the startup. The welcome message can give them all the info to init:
> What would that help? Nothing.
Some people use u-boot and do little change and some people contribute a 
lot to the project.
So a lot of these mails can go there. In a long term I think that is 
good for the project
but this is my personal opinion
> Guess how many people I refer to documents like
> http://catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html  or
> http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
> do actually _read_ this stuff?
> The problem was not a newbie issue, but ignorance - not bothering to
> think a second how anybody could provide help based on zero
> information.
> I feel 42 is a perfectly reasonable answer to the question :-)
> Best regards,
> Wolfgang Denk
Best Regards
Michael Trimarchi

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