Hi Wolfgang,

El Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 09:46:22PM +0100 Wolfgang Denk ha dit:

> Dear Matthias Kaehlcke,
> In message <20100211200302.ge15...@darwin> you wrote:
> > Most code defines constants for bit positions by means of "(1 << n)". The 
> > Linux
> Most code does? I disagree. Only minor parts of the code do, and I
> generally tend to consider this bad style.
> > kernel defines the BIT macro for this purpose, providing a uniform and more
> > readable way to define these constants. This patch adds the BIT macro to
> > linux/bitops.h, and removes its local definitions from davinci and ixp code.
> I am strongly tempted to reject this patch, as it does not improve
> anything. On contrary, it makes things worse. I'll try to explain
> why.
> > Signed-off-by: Matthias Kaehlcke <matth...@kaehlcke.net>
> > ---
> >  cpu/arm926ejs/davinci/cpu.c          |    2 --
> >  cpu/ixp/npe/include/IxOsalOsIxp400.h |    2 --
> >  include/asm-arm/arch-ixp/ixp425.h    |    2 --
> >  include/linux/bitops.h               |    1 +
> >  4 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
> With the local definitions in ARM related header files you could at
> least make an edicated guess what the code might mean.
> By moving the definition into a globally valid and visible location
> the inherent problems of sucha definition become obvious.
> If you see a line of code like
>       value |= 0x0020;        or      value |= (1 << 5)
> or
>       vlaue &= ~0x0020;       or      vlaue &= ~(1 << 5)
> you know immediately and exactly what that means - there is not the
> slightest bit of doubt about the meaning of the code.
> You probably thing that
>       value |= BIT(5);
> is easier to read. But is this really so?
> Why do you prefer to write (or read) "BIT(5)" instead of "1 << 5"?
> Because some of your user manuals talk about "bit5" etc.?
> Guess why there is not a single use of BIT(x) in PowerPC code in
> U-Boot?  For the Power Architecture, bit 0 is by definition the most
> significant bit. What does this mean for a simple value as "(1 << 5)"?
> Size of object                (1 << 5) is ...
>      8 bit            bit 2
>     16 bit            bit 10
>     32 bit            bit 26
>     64 bit            bit 58
> You see? Even if you are aware that bit 0 is the MSB, the notation of
> BIT(x) makes no sense, as it at least also depends on the object size.
> Forget BIT(x). It's unportable and misleading at best.
> If you want to improve U-Boot code, then please come up with cleanup
> patches to remove this construct from U-Boot all together.

thanks for your explications. i now understand that the BIT macro
rather can obscure what is going on, though at the first glance it
seems to improve readability.

Matthias Kaehlcke
Embedded Linux Developer

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