On 16 May 2018 at 15:08, Tom Rini <tr...@konsulko.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 11:51:36PM +0300, Sam Protsenko wrote:
>> Android documentation recommends new image format for storing DTB/DTBO
>> files: [1]. To support that format, two things should be done:
>> 1. Add dt_table.h file from Android (BSD-3 relicensed version): [2].
>>    This header defines structures and constants that we need to work
>>    with that DT image format.
>>    Changes:
>>     - re-licensed from Apache to BSD-3
>>     - removed functions declarations
>>     - change the coding style to kernel (make checkpatch happy)
>> 2. Add helper functions for Android DTB/DTBO format. In
>>    image-android-dt.* files you can find helper functions to work with
>>    Android DT image format, such us routines for:
>>     - printing the dump of image structure
>>     - getting the address and size of desired dtb/dtbo file
>> [1] https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/dto/partitions
>> [2] 
>> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/libufdt/+/58a7582180f477032cd6c74f8d9afad0038e74c3/utils/src/dt_table.h
>> Signed-off-by: Sam Protsenko <semen.protse...@linaro.org>
> Why is it OK to change the license on the code?  AFAICT someone can't
> just relicense Apache to BSD-3.  What happened for
> include/android_image.h was that Google relicensed the Android code in
> question to BSD-2 (which in turn allows us in GPL projects).  Thanks!

Ok, I will try to ask Google to do the same for the header I used. Do
you know what exactly should be done? Do they need to publish
relicensed file somewhere, or exactly in Android, or we just need a
confirmation from their side? Also, which license is preferable for


> --
> Tom
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