Hi there,

I'm using the show_boot_progress function to keep track of the boot process and display errors during the boot on a display (which will be controlled via UART). This works fine for e.g. a bad CRC in the kernel, which will give me a negative progress and I can check, that that is an error. For the Ramdisk on the other hand, there is no show_boot_progress for an invalid ramdisk (see [0]).

So, two questions.
1. There are many places which don't have a show_boot_progress but are a "fail" branch. Can this be done so you can track every (possible) error? 2. Is there a way to "get notified" if the shell opens (e.g. call a callback function), so I can check that (this is usally an error :) )?


[0]: https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/62d77cea31216cad526e5f45c88e8377efc6fcae/common/bootm.c#L233-L236
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