Hi everyone. I'm writing because I have a problem. I'm running u-boot on an
mpc8641 ad I'd like to compile a custom application to make it running on
top of u-boot and I'm unable to compile it. Suppose I want to compile a
simple hello_world application just like this:

int main(int argc, char *arghv[]) {
    printf("Hello world!");
    return 0;

I'd like to write a Makefile to compile and run the application but I always
get a lot of warning and error messages.

So I tried to modify the hello_world application contained into the examples
directory. I don't want to compile it making it together with u-boot. I want
the compilation processes of u-boot and the application to be separated.
Using gcc unfortunately I run into a lot of warnings and error messages.

Someone could help me?

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