On Thu, 12 Apr 2018 09:04:20 +0200
Jason Mitchell <ja...@sparkatm.co.za> wrote:

> Good day all
> I am currently faced with a task of having to run new software on
> ageing hardware. We have currently about 1000 units in the field of a
> machine that runs Windows CE using the Samsung S3C6410.
> Because these are considerable assets its not a simple case of
> replacing them with new, more modern hardware.
> The goal is to be able to get these existing boards to run Ubuntu so
> that we can run GoLang applications, so we need the GUI with just a
> relatively recent browser.
> The board in question is a near perfect clone of the SMDK6410, which
> was supported fully in U-boot in the past, indeed I can select
> SMDK6410 and compile a working U-boot using 1.3.4 sources
> After much effort I managed to get a tailored (tailored as in having
> changed the memory configuration to match the hardware) U-boot V1.3.4
> compiled and running for this chip, the problem now, obviously we
> have a fairly recent Linux kernel compiled and it won't boot because
> the Device Tree Blob doesn't exist on such an old version of U-boot.
> So my questions are:
> - Has anyone perhaps created a branch or fork of the current or nearly
> current version of U-boot and patched in this support. I see a lot of
> Chinese websites where they seem to have done this but the language
> barrier is a big problem. Also a lot of dead links are another
> problem.
> - If there isn't something out there, would it be possible to run
> through the steps with me to add support for this CPU again. I don't
> mind doing the work, the main issue is I have no clue how U-boot
> actually works internally.
> I have FULL JTAG access to this board, with a perfectly functional
> OpenOCD setup. This is how we are able to program versions of U-boot
> into the FLASH.
> Hoping someone can assist

If this helps - I do have some code (including OpenOCD
restoration/debricking files) to add support for smdk6410 based on
v2013.04 u-boot.

As fair as I remember this code was booting till prompt, but was NOT in
a shape allowing mainlining.

Unfortunately, I don't have smdk6410 dev board anymore, so I cannot
help with testing/tunning the HW.

> Kindest Regards,
> Jason Mitchell
> Software Developer
> Spark ATM Systems (PTY) LTD
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Best regards,

Lukasz Majewski


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