Add driver and binding for stm32mp1 ddr controller and phy

Signed-off-by: Patrick Delaunay <>

Changes in v2: None

 MAINTAINERS                                      |   1 +
 arch/arm/mach-stm32mp/include/mach/ddr.h         |  12 +
 doc/device-tree-bindings/ram/st,stm32mp1-ddr.txt | 299 ++++++++++++++
 drivers/ram/Kconfig                              |   2 +
 drivers/ram/Makefile                             |   1 +
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig                     |  12 +
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Makefile                    |   8 +
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.c              | 496 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.h              | 210 ++++++++++
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr_regs.h         | 365 +++++++++++++++++
 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ram.c              | 197 +++++++++
 11 files changed, 1603 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-stm32mp/include/mach/ddr.h
 create mode 100644 doc/device-tree-bindings/ram/st,stm32mp1-ddr.txt
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Makefile
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr_regs.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ram.c

index fed523c..4a1c41b 100644
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ ARM STM STM32MP
 M:     Patrick Delaunay <>
 S:     Maintained
 F:     arch/arm/mach-stm32mp
+F:     ram/stm32mp1
 M:     Vikas Manocha <>
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-stm32mp/include/mach/ddr.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b635001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-stm32mp/include/mach/ddr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#ifndef __MACH_STM32MP_DDR_H_
+#define __MACH_STM32MP_DDR_H_
+int board_ddr_power_init(void);
diff --git a/doc/device-tree-bindings/ram/st,stm32mp1-ddr.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3028636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/device-tree-bindings/ram/st,stm32mp1-ddr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+ST,stm32mp1 DDR3/LPDDR2/LPDDR3 Controller (DDRCTRL and DDRPHYC)
+Required properties:
+- compatible   : Should be "st,stm32mp1-ddr"
+- reg          : controleur (DDRCTRL) and phy (DDRPHYC) base address
+- clocks       : controller clocks handle
+- clock-names  : associated controller clock names
+                 the "ddrphyc" clock is used to check the DDR frequency
+                 at phy level according the expected value in "mem-speed" field
+the next attributes are DDR parameters, they are generated by DDR tools
+included in STM32 Cube tool
+info attributes:
+- st,mem-name  : name for DDR configuration, simple string for information
+- st,mem-speed : DDR expected speed for the setting in MHz
+- st,mem-size  : DDR mem size in byte
+controlleur attributes:
+- st,ctl-reg   : controleur values depending of the DDR type
+                 (DDR3/LPDDR2/LPDDR3)
+       for STM32MP15x: 25 values are requested in this order
+               MSTR
+               MRCTRL0
+               MRCTRL1
+               DERATEEN
+               DERATEINT
+               PWRCTL
+               PWRTMG
+               HWLPCTL
+               RFSHCTL0
+               RFSHCTL3
+               CRCPARCTL0
+               ZQCTL0
+               DFITMG0
+               DFITMG1
+               DFILPCFG0
+               DFIUPD0
+               DFIUPD1
+               DFIUPD2
+               DFIPHYMSTR
+               ODTMAP
+               DBG0
+               DBG1
+               DBGCMD
+               POISONCFG
+               PCCFG
+- st,ctl-timing        : controleur values depending of frequency and timing 
+                 of DDR
+       for STM32MP15x: 12 values are requested in this order
+               RFSHTMG
+               DRAMTMG0
+               DRAMTMG1
+               DRAMTMG2
+               DRAMTMG3
+               DRAMTMG4
+               DRAMTMG5
+               DRAMTMG6
+               DRAMTMG7
+               DRAMTMG8
+               DRAMTMG14
+               ODTCFG
+- st,ctl-map   : controleur values depending of address mapping
+       for STM32MP15x: 9 values are requested in this order
+               ADDRMAP1
+               ADDRMAP2
+               ADDRMAP3
+               ADDRMAP4
+               ADDRMAP5
+               ADDRMAP6
+               ADDRMAP9
+               ADDRMAP10
+               ADDRMAP11
+- st,ctl-perf  : controleur values depending of performance and scheduling
+       for STM32MP15x: 17 values are requested in this order
+               SCHED
+               SCHED1
+               PERFHPR1
+               PERFLPR1
+               PERFWR1
+               PCFGR_0
+               PCFGW_0
+               PCFGQOS0_0
+               PCFGQOS1_0
+               PCFGWQOS0_0
+               PCFGWQOS1_0
+               PCFGR_1
+               PCFGW_1
+               PCFGQOS0_1
+               PCFGQOS1_1
+               PCFGWQOS0_1
+               PCFGWQOS1_1
+phyc attributes:
+- st,phy-reg   : phy values depending of the DDR type (DDR3/LPDDR2/LPDDR3)
+       for STM32MP15x: 10 values are requested in this order
+               PGCR
+               ACIOCR
+               DXCCR
+               DSGCR
+               DCR
+               ODTCR
+               ZQ0CR1
+               DX0GCR
+               DX1GCR
+               DX2GCR
+               DX3GCR
+- st,phy-timing        : phy values depending of frequency and timing 
parameter of DDR
+       for STM32MP15x: 10 values are requested in this order
+               PTR0
+               PTR1
+               PTR2
+               DTPR0
+               DTPR1
+               DTPR2
+               MR0
+               MR1
+               MR2
+               MR3
+- st,phy-cal   : phy cal depending of calibration or tuning of DDR
+       for STM32MP15x: 12 values are requested in this order
+               DX0DLLCR
+               DX0DQTR
+               DX0DQSTR
+               DX1DLLCR
+               DX1DQTR
+               DX1DQSTR
+               DX2DLLCR
+               DX2DQTR
+               DX2DQSTR
+               DX3DLLCR
+               DX3DQTR
+               DX3DQSTR
+/ {
+       soc {
+               u-boot,dm-spl;
+               ddr: ddr@0x5A003000{
+                       u-boot,dm-spl;
+                       u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+                       compatible = "st,stm32mp1-ddr";
+                       reg = <0x5A003000 0x550
+                              0x5A004000 0x234>;
+                       clocks = <&rcc_clk AXIDCG>,
+                                <&rcc_clk DDRC1>,
+                                <&rcc_clk DDRC2>,
+                                <&rcc_clk DDRPHYC>,
+                                <&rcc_clk DDRCAPB>,
+                                <&rcc_clk DDRPHYCAPB>;
+                       clock-names = "axidcg",
+                                     "ddrc1",
+                                     "ddrc2",
+                                     "ddrphyc",
+                                     "ddrcapb",
+                                     "ddrphycapb";
+                       st,mem-name = "DDR3 2x4Gb 533MHz";
+                       st,mem-speed = <533>;
+                       st,mem-size = <0x40000000>;
+                       st,ctl-reg = <
+                               0x00040401 /*MSTR*/
+                               0x00000010 /*MRCTRL0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*MRCTRL1*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DERATEEN*/
+                               0x00800000 /*DERATEINT*/
+                               0x00000000 /*PWRCTL*/
+                               0x00400010 /*PWRTMG*/
+                               0x00000000 /*HWLPCTL*/
+                               0x00210000 /*RFSHCTL0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*RFSHCTL3*/
+                               0x00000000 /*CRCPARCTL0*/
+                               0xC2000040 /*ZQCTL0*/
+                               0x02050105 /*DFITMG0*/
+                               0x00000202 /*DFITMG1*/
+                               0x07000000 /*DFILPCFG0*/
+                               0xC0400003 /*DFIUPD0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DFIUPD1*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DFIUPD2*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DFIPHYMSTR*/
+                               0x00000001 /*ODTMAP*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DBG0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DBG1*/
+                               0x00000000 /*DBGCMD*/
+                               0x00000000 /*POISONCFG*/
+                               0x00000010 /*PCCFG*/
+                       >;
+                       st,ctl-timing = <
+                               0x0080008A /*RFSHTMG*/
+                               0x121B2414 /*DRAMTMG0*/
+                               0x000D041B /*DRAMTMG1*/
+                               0x0607080E /*DRAMTMG2*/
+                               0x0050400C /*DRAMTMG3*/
+                               0x07040407 /*DRAMTMG4*/
+                               0x06060303 /*DRAMTMG5*/
+                               0x02020002 /*DRAMTMG6*/
+                               0x00000202 /*DRAMTMG7*/
+                               0x00001005 /*DRAMTMG8*/
+                               0x000D041B /*DRAMTMG1*/4
+                               0x06000600 /*ODTCFG*/
+                       >;
+                       st,ctl-map = <
+                               0x00080808 /*ADDRMAP1*/
+                               0x00000000 /*ADDRMAP2*/
+                               0x00000000 /*ADDRMAP3*/
+                               0x00001F1F /*ADDRMAP4*/
+                               0x07070707 /*ADDRMAP5*/
+                               0x0F070707 /*ADDRMAP6*/
+                               0x00000000 /*ADDRMAP9*/
+                               0x00000000 /*ADDRMAP10*/
+                               0x00000000 /*ADDRMAP11*/
+                       >;
+                       st,ctl-perf = <
+                               0x00001201 /*SCHED*/
+                               0x00001201 /*SCHED*/1
+                               0x01000001 /*PERFHPR1*/
+                               0x08000200 /*PERFLPR1*/
+                               0x08000400 /*PERFWR1*/
+                               0x00010000 /*PCFGR_0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*PCFGW_0*/
+                               0x02100B03 /*PCFGQOS0_0*/
+                               0x00800100 /*PCFGQOS1_0*/
+                               0x01100B03 /*PCFGWQOS0_0*/
+                               0x01000200 /*PCFGWQOS1_0*/
+                               0x00010000 /*PCFGR_1*/
+                               0x00000000 /*PCFGW_1*/
+                               0x02100B03 /*PCFGQOS0_1*/
+                               0x00800000 /*PCFGQOS1_1*/
+                               0x01100B03 /*PCFGWQOS0_1*/
+                               0x01000200 /*PCFGWQOS1_1*/
+                       >;
+                       st,phy-reg = <
+                               0x01442E02 /*PGCR*/
+                               0x10400812 /*ACIOCR*/
+                               0x00000C40 /*DXCCR*/
+                               0xF200001F /*DSGCR*/
+                               0x0000000B /*DCR*/
+                               0x00010000 /*ODTCR*/
+                               0x0000007B /*ZQ0CR1*/
+                               0x0000CE81 /*DX0GCR*/
+                               0x0000CE81 /*DX1GCR*/
+                               0x0000CE81 /*DX2GCR*/
+                               0x0000CE81 /*DX3GCR*/
+                       >;
+                       st,phy-timing = <
+                               0x0022A41B /*PTR0*/
+                               0x047C0740 /*PTR1*/
+                               0x042D9C80 /*PTR2*/
+                               0x369477D0 /*DTPR0*/
+                               0x098A00D8 /*DTPR1*/
+                               0x10023600 /*DTPR2*/
+                               0x00000830 /*MR0*/
+                               0x00000000 /*MR1*/
+                               0x00000208 /*MR2*/
+                               0x00000000 /*MR3*/
+                       >;
+                       st,phy-cal = <
+                               0x40000000 /*DX0DLLCR*/
+                               0xFFFFFFFF /*DX0DQTR*/
+                               0x3DB02000 /*DX0DQSTR*/
+                               0x40000000 /*DX1DLLCR*/
+                               0xFFFFFFFF /*DX1DQTR*/
+                               0x3DB02000 /*DX1DQSTR*/
+                               0x40000000 /*DX2DLLCR*/
+                               0xFFFFFFFF /*DX2DQTR*/
+                               0x3DB02000 /*DX2DQSTR*/
+                               0x40000000 /*DX3DLLCR*/
+                               0xFFFFFFFF /*DX3DQTR*/
+                               0x3DB02000 /*DX3DQSTR*/
+                       >;
+                       status = "okay";
+               };
+       };
diff --git a/drivers/ram/Kconfig b/drivers/ram/Kconfig
index 47969f3..496e2b7 100644
--- a/drivers/ram/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/ram/Kconfig
@@ -33,3 +33,5 @@ config STM32_SDRAM
          STM32F7 family devices support flexible memory controller(FMC) to
          support external memories like sdram, psram & nand.
          This driver is for the sdram memory interface with the FMC.
+source "drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig"
diff --git a/drivers/ram/Makefile b/drivers/ram/Makefile
index 51ae6be..3820d03 100644
--- a/drivers/ram/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/ram/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 obj-$(CONFIG_RAM) += ram-uclass.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SANDBOX) += sandbox_ram.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_STM32MP1_DDR) += stm32mp1/
 obj-$(CONFIG_STM32_SDRAM) += stm32_sdram.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_BMIPS) += bmips_ram.o
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9c8166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+config STM32MP1_DDR
+       bool "STM32MP1 DDR driver"
+       depends on DM && OF_CONTROL && ARCH_STM32MP
+       select RAM
+       select SPL_RAM if SPL
+       default y
+       help
+               activate STM32MP1 DDR controller driver for STM32MP1 soc
+               family: support for LPDDR2, LPDDR3 and DDR3
+               the SDRAM parameters for controleur and phy need to be provided
+               in device tree (computed by DDR tuning tools)
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Makefile b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f05cd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+obj-y += stm32mp1_ram.o
+obj-y += stm32mp1_ddr.o
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe50d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <clk.h>
+#include <ram.h>
+#include <reset.h>
+#include <timer.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/ddr.h>
+#include <linux/iopoll.h>
+#include "stm32mp1_ddr.h"
+#include "stm32mp1_ddr_regs.h"
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR           0xD8
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAPBRST                (BIT(14))
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAXIRST                (BIT(15))
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCORERST                (BIT(16))
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYAPBRST                (BIT(17))
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYRST           (BIT(18))
+#define RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYCTLRST                (BIT(19))
+struct reg_desc {
+       const char *name;
+       u16 offset;     /* offset for base address */
+       u8 par_offset;  /* offset for parameter array */
+#define DDRCTL_REG(x, y) \
+       {#x,\
+        offsetof(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl, x),\
+        offsetof(struct y, x)}
+#define DDRPHY_REG(x, y) \
+       {#x,\
+        offsetof(struct stm32mp1_ddrphy, x),\
+        offsetof(struct y, x)}
+#define DDRCTL_REG_REG(x)      DDRCTL_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrctrl_reg)
+static const struct reg_desc ddr_reg[] = {
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(mstr),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(mrctrl0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(mrctrl1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(derateen),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(derateint),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(pwrctl),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(pwrtmg),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(hwlpctl),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(rfshctl0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(rfshctl3),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(crcparctl0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(zqctl0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfitmg0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfitmg1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfilpcfg0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfiupd0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfiupd1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfiupd2),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dfiphymstr),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(odtmap),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dbg0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dbg1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(dbgcmd),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(poisoncfg),
+       DDRCTL_REG_REG(pccfg),
+#define DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(x)   DDRCTL_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrctrl_timing)
+static const struct reg_desc ddr_timing[] = {
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(rfshtmg),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg2),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg3),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg4),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg5),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg6),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg7),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg8),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(dramtmg14),
+       DDRCTL_REG_TIMING(odtcfg),
+#define DDRCTL_REG_MAP(x)      DDRCTL_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrctrl_map)
+static const struct reg_desc ddr_map[] = {
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap2),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap3),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap4),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap5),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap6),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap9),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap10),
+       DDRCTL_REG_MAP(addrmap11),
+#define DDRCTL_REG_PERF(x)     DDRCTL_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrctrl_perf)
+static const struct reg_desc ddr_perf[] = {
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(sched),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(sched1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(perfhpr1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(perflpr1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(perfwr1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgr_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgw_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgqos0_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgqos1_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgwqos0_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgwqos1_0),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgr_1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgw_1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgqos0_1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgqos1_1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgwqos0_1),
+       DDRCTL_REG_PERF(pcfgwqos1_1),
+#define DDRPHY_REG_REG(x)      DDRPHY_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrphy_reg)
+static const struct reg_desc ddrphy_reg[] = {
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(pgcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(aciocr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dxccr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dsgcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(odtcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(zq0cr1),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dx0gcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dx1gcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dx2gcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_REG(dx3gcr),
+#define DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(x)   DDRPHY_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrphy_timing)
+static const struct reg_desc ddrphy_timing[] = {
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(ptr0),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(ptr1),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(ptr2),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(dtpr0),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(dtpr1),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(dtpr2),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(mr0),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(mr1),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(mr2),
+       DDRPHY_REG_TIMING(mr3),
+#define DDRPHY_REG_CAL(x)      DDRPHY_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrphy_cal)
+static const struct reg_desc ddrphy_cal[] = {
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx0dllcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx0dqtr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx0dqstr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx1dllcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx1dqtr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx1dqstr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx2dllcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx2dqtr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx2dqstr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx3dllcr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx3dqtr),
+       DDRPHY_REG_CAL(dx3dqstr),
+enum reg_type {
+       REG_REG,
+       REG_TIMING,
+       REG_PERF,
+       REG_MAP,
+       REGPHY_REG,
+       REGPHY_CAL,
+       REG_TYPE_NB
+enum base_type {
+       DDR_BASE,
+       DDRPHY_BASE,
+       NONE_BASE
+struct ddr_reg_info {
+       const char *name;
+       const struct reg_desc *desc;
+       u8 size;
+       enum base_type base;
+#define DDRPHY_REG_CAL(x)      DDRPHY_REG(x, stm32mp1_ddrphy_cal)
+const struct ddr_reg_info ddr_registers[REG_TYPE_NB] = {
+[REG_REG] = {
+       "static", ddr_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_reg), DDR_BASE},
+       "timing", ddr_timing, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_timing), DDR_BASE},
+[REG_PERF] = {
+       "perf", ddr_perf, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_perf), DDR_BASE},
+[REG_MAP] = {
+       "map", ddr_map, ARRAY_SIZE(ddr_map), DDR_BASE},
+       "static", ddrphy_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(ddrphy_reg), DDRPHY_BASE},
+       "timing", ddrphy_timing, ARRAY_SIZE(ddrphy_timing), DDRPHY_BASE},
+       "cal", ddrphy_cal, ARRAY_SIZE(ddrphy_cal), DDRPHY_BASE},
+const char *base_name[] = {
+       [DDR_BASE] = "ctl",
+       [DDRPHY_BASE] = "phy",
+static u32 get_base_addr(const struct ddr_info *priv, enum base_type base)
+       if (base == DDRPHY_BASE)
+               return (u32)priv->phy;
+       else
+               return (u32)priv->ctl;
+static void set_reg(const struct ddr_info *priv,
+                   enum reg_type type,
+                   const void *param)
+       unsigned int i;
+       unsigned int *ptr, value;
+       enum base_type base = ddr_registers[type].base;
+       u32 base_addr = get_base_addr(priv, base);
+       const struct reg_desc *desc = ddr_registers[type].desc;
+       debug("init %s\n", ddr_registers[type].name);
+       for (i = 0; i < ddr_registers[type].size; i++) {
+               ptr = (unsigned int *)(base_addr + desc[i].offset);
+               if (desc[i].par_offset == INVALID_OFFSET) {
+                       pr_err("invalid parameter offset for %s", desc[i].name);
+               } else {
+                       value = *((u32 *)((u32)param +
+                                              desc[i].par_offset));
+                       writel(value, ptr);
+                       debug("[0x%x] %s= 0x%08x\n",
+                             (u32)ptr, desc[i].name, value);
+               }
+       }
+static void ddrphy_idone_wait(struct stm32mp1_ddrphy *phy)
+       u32 pgsr;
+       int ret;
+       ret = readl_poll_timeout(&phy->pgsr, pgsr,
+                                pgsr & (DDRPHYC_PGSR_IDONE |
+                                        DDRPHYC_PGSR_DTERR |
+                                        DDRPHYC_PGSR_DTIERR |
+                                        DDRPHYC_PGSR_DFTERR |
+                                        DDRPHYC_PGSR_RVERR |
+                                        DDRPHYC_PGSR_RVEIRR),
+                               1000000);
+       debug("\n[0x%08x] pgsr = 0x%08x ret=%d\n",
+             (u32)&phy->pgsr, pgsr, ret);
+void stm32mp1_ddrphy_init(struct stm32mp1_ddrphy *phy, u32 pir)
+       pir |= DDRPHYC_PIR_INIT;
+       writel(pir, &phy->pir);
+       debug("[0x%08x] pir = 0x%08x -> 0x%08x\n",
+             (u32)&phy->pir, pir, readl(&phy->pir));
+       /* need to wait 10 configuration clock before start polling */
+       udelay(10);
+       /* Wait DRAM initialization and Gate Training Evaluation complete */
+       ddrphy_idone_wait(phy);
+/* start quasi dynamic register update */
+static void start_sw_done(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl)
+       clrbits_le32(&ctl->swctl, DDRCTRL_SWCTL_SW_DONE);
+/* wait quasi dynamic register update */
+static void wait_sw_done_ack(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl)
+       int ret;
+       u32 swstat;
+       setbits_le32(&ctl->swctl, DDRCTRL_SWCTL_SW_DONE);
+       ret = readl_poll_timeout(&ctl->swstat, swstat,
+                                swstat & DDRCTRL_SWSTAT_SW_DONE_ACK,
+                                1000000);
+       if (ret)
+               panic("Timeout initialising DRAM : DDR->swstat = %x\n",
+                     swstat);
+       debug("[0x%08x] swstat = 0x%08x\n", (u32)&ctl->swstat, swstat);
+/* wait quasi dynamic register update */
+static void wait_operating_mode(struct ddr_info *priv, int mode)
+       u32 stat, val, mask, val2 = 0, mask2 = 0;
+       int ret;
+       val = mode;
+       /* self-refresh due to software => check also STAT.selfref_type */
+       if (mode == DDRCTRL_STAT_OPERATING_MODE_SR) {
+               mask |= DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_MASK;
+               stat |= DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_SR;
+       } else if (mode == DDRCTRL_STAT_OPERATING_MODE_NORMAL) {
+               /* normal mode: handle also automatic self refresh */
+               mask2 = DDRCTRL_STAT_OPERATING_MODE_MASK |
+                       DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_MASK;
+               val2 = DDRCTRL_STAT_OPERATING_MODE_SR |
+                      DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_ASR;
+       }
+       ret = readl_poll_timeout(&priv->ctl->stat, stat,
+                                ((stat & mask) == val) ||
+                                (mask2 && ((stat & mask2) == val2)),
+                                1000000);
+       if (ret)
+               panic("Timeout DRAM : DDR->stat = %x\n", stat);
+       debug("[0x%08x] stat = 0x%08x\n", (u32)&priv->ctl->stat, stat);
+void stm32mp1_refresh_disable(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl)
+       start_sw_done(ctl);
+       /* quasi-dynamic register update*/
+       setbits_le32(&ctl->rfshctl3, DDRCTRL_RFSHCTL3_DIS_AUTO_REFRESH);
+       clrbits_le32(&ctl->pwrctl, DDRCTRL_PWRCTL_POWERDOWN_EN);
+       clrbits_le32(&ctl->dfimisc, DDRCTRL_DFIMISC_DFI_INIT_COMPLETE_EN);
+       wait_sw_done_ack(ctl);
+void stm32mp1_refresh_restore(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl,
+                             u32 rfshctl3, u32 pwrctl)
+       start_sw_done(ctl);
+       if (!(rfshctl3 & DDRCTRL_RFSHCTL3_DIS_AUTO_REFRESH))
+               clrbits_le32(&ctl->rfshctl3, DDRCTRL_RFSHCTL3_DIS_AUTO_REFRESH);
+       if (pwrctl & DDRCTRL_PWRCTL_POWERDOWN_EN)
+               setbits_le32(&ctl->pwrctl, DDRCTRL_PWRCTL_POWERDOWN_EN);
+       setbits_le32(&ctl->dfimisc, DDRCTRL_DFIMISC_DFI_INIT_COMPLETE_EN);
+       wait_sw_done_ack(ctl);
+/* board-specific DDR power initializations. */
+__weak int board_ddr_power_init(void)
+       return 0;
+void stm32mp1_ddr_init(struct ddr_info *priv,
+                      const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config)
+       u32 pir;
+       int ret;
+       ret = board_ddr_power_init();
+       if (ret)
+               panic("ddr power init failed\n");
+       debug("name = %s\n", config->;
+       debug("speed = %d MHz\n", config->info.speed);
+       debug("size  = 0x%x\n", config->info.size);
+ * 1. Program the DWC_ddr_umctl2 registers
+ * 1.1 RESETS: presetn, core_ddrc_rstn, aresetn
+ */
+       /* Assert All DDR part */
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAPBRST);
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAXIRST);
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCORERST);
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYAPBRST);
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYRST);
+       setbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYCTLRST);
+/* 1.2. start CLOCK */
+       if (stm32mp1_ddr_clk_enable(priv, config->info.speed))
+               panic("invalid DRAM clock : %d MHz\n",
+                     config->info.speed);
+/* 1.3. deassert reset */
+       /* de-assert PHY rstn and ctl_rstn via DPHYRST and DPHYCTLRST */
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYRST);
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYCTLRST);
+       /* De-assert presetn once the clocks are active
+        * and stable via DDRCAPBRST bit
+        */
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAPBRST);
+/* 1.4. wait 4 cycles for synchronization */
+       asm(" nop");
+       asm(" nop");
+       asm(" nop");
+       asm(" nop");
+/* 1.5. initialize registers ddr_umctl2 */
+       /* Stop uMCTL2 before PHY is ready */
+       clrbits_le32(&priv->ctl->dfimisc, DDRCTRL_DFIMISC_DFI_INIT_COMPLETE_EN);
+       debug("[0x%08x] dfimisc = 0x%08x\n",
+             (u32)&priv->ctl->dfimisc, readl(&priv->ctl->dfimisc));
+       set_reg(priv, REG_REG, &config->c_reg);
+       set_reg(priv, REG_TIMING, &config->c_timing);
+       set_reg(priv, REG_MAP, &config->c_map);
+       /* skip CTRL init, SDRAM init is done by PHY PUBL */
+       clrsetbits_le32(&priv->ctl->init0,
+                       DDRCTRL_INIT0_SKIP_DRAM_INIT_MASK,
+                       DDRCTRL_INIT0_SKIP_DRAM_INIT_NORMAL);
+       set_reg(priv, REG_PERF, &config->c_perf);
+/*  2. deassert reset signal core_ddrc_rstn, aresetn and presetn */
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCORERST);
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DDRCAXIRST);
+       clrbits_le32(priv->rcc + RCC_DDRITFCR, RCC_DDRITFCR_DPHYAPBRST);
+/*  3. start PHY init by accessing relevant PUBL registers
+ *    (DXGCR, DCR, PTR*, MR*, DTPR*)
+ */
+       set_reg(priv, REGPHY_REG, &config->p_reg);
+       set_reg(priv, REGPHY_TIMING, &config->p_timing);
+       set_reg(priv, REGPHY_CAL, &config->p_cal);
+/*  4. Monitor PHY init status by polling PUBL register PGSR.IDONE
+ *     Perform DDR PHY DRAM initialization and Gate Training Evaluation
+ */
+       ddrphy_idone_wait(priv->phy);
+/*  5. Indicate to PUBL that controller performs SDRAM initialization
+ *     by setting PIR.INIT and PIR CTLDINIT and pool PGSR.IDONE
+ *     DRAM init is done by PHY, init0.skip_dram.init = 1
+ */
+       if (config->c_reg.mstr & DDRCTRL_MSTR_DDR3)
+               pir |= DDRPHYC_PIR_DRAMRST; /* only for DDR3 */
+       stm32mp1_ddrphy_init(priv->phy, pir);
+/*  6. SET DFIMISC.dfi_init_complete_en to 1 */
+       /* Enable quasi-dynamic register programming*/
+       start_sw_done(priv->ctl);
+       setbits_le32(&priv->ctl->dfimisc, DDRCTRL_DFIMISC_DFI_INIT_COMPLETE_EN);
+       wait_sw_done_ack(priv->ctl);
+/*  7. Wait for DWC_ddr_umctl2 to move to normal operation mode
+ *     by monitoring STAT.operating_mode signal
+ */
+       /* wait uMCTL2 ready */
+       wait_operating_mode(priv, DDRCTRL_STAT_OPERATING_MODE_NORMAL);
+       debug("DDR DQS training : ");
+/*  8. Disable Auto refresh and power down by setting
+ *    - RFSHCTL3.dis_au_refresh = 1
+ *    - PWRCTL.powerdown_en = 0
+ *    - DFIMISC.dfiinit_complete_en = 0
+ */
+       stm32mp1_refresh_disable(priv->ctl);
+/*  9. Program PUBL PGCR to enable refresh during training and rank to train
+ *     not done => keep the programed value in PGCR
+ */
+/* 10. configure PUBL PIR register to specify which training step to run */
+       /* warning : RVTRN  is not supported by this PUBL */
+       stm32mp1_ddrphy_init(priv->phy, DDRPHYC_PIR_QSTRN);
+/* 11. monitor PUB PGSR.IDONE to poll cpmpletion of training sequence */
+       ddrphy_idone_wait(priv->phy);
+/* 12. set back registers in step 8 to the orginal values if desidered */
+       stm32mp1_refresh_restore(priv->ctl, config->c_reg.rfshctl3,
+                                config->c_reg.pwrctl);
+       /* enable uMCTL2 AXI port 0 and 1 */
+       setbits_le32(&priv->ctl->pctrl_0, DDRCTRL_PCTRL_N_PORT_EN);
+       setbits_le32(&priv->ctl->pctrl_1, DDRCTRL_PCTRL_N_PORT_EN);
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b77d823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#ifndef _RAM_STM32MP1_DDR_H
+#define _RAM_STM32MP1_DDR_H
+enum stm32mp1_ddr_interact_step {
+       STEP_CTL_INIT,
+       STEP_PHY_INIT,
+       STEP_RUN,
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctl;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrphy;
+ * struct ddr_info
+ *
+ * @dev: pointer for the device
+ * @info: UCLASS RAM information
+ * @ctl: DDR controleur base address
+ * @clk: DDR clock
+ * @phy: DDR PHY base address
+ * @rcc: rcc base address
+ */
+struct ddr_info {
+       struct udevice *dev;
+       struct ram_info info;
+       struct clk clk;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrphy *phy;
+       u32 rcc;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_reg {
+       u32 mstr;
+       u32 mrctrl0;
+       u32 mrctrl1;
+       u32 derateen;
+       u32 derateint;
+       u32 pwrctl;
+       u32 pwrtmg;
+       u32 hwlpctl;
+       u32 rfshctl0;
+       u32 rfshctl3;
+       u32 crcparctl0;
+       u32 zqctl0;
+       u32 dfitmg0;
+       u32 dfitmg1;
+       u32 dfilpcfg0;
+       u32 dfiupd0;
+       u32 dfiupd1;
+       u32 dfiupd2;
+       u32 dfiphymstr;
+       u32 odtmap;
+       u32 dbg0;
+       u32 dbg1;
+       u32 dbgcmd;
+       u32 poisoncfg;
+       u32 pccfg;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_timing {
+       u32 rfshtmg;
+       u32 dramtmg0;
+       u32 dramtmg1;
+       u32 dramtmg2;
+       u32 dramtmg3;
+       u32 dramtmg4;
+       u32 dramtmg5;
+       u32 dramtmg6;
+       u32 dramtmg7;
+       u32 dramtmg8;
+       u32 dramtmg14;
+       u32 odtcfg;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_map {
+       u32 addrmap1;
+       u32 addrmap2;
+       u32 addrmap3;
+       u32 addrmap4;
+       u32 addrmap5;
+       u32 addrmap6;
+       u32 addrmap9;
+       u32 addrmap10;
+       u32 addrmap11;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_perf {
+       u32 sched;
+       u32 sched1;
+       u32 perfhpr1;
+       u32 perflpr1;
+       u32 perfwr1;
+       u32 pcfgr_0;
+       u32 pcfgw_0;
+       u32 pcfgqos0_0;
+       u32 pcfgqos1_0;
+       u32 pcfgwqos0_0;
+       u32 pcfgwqos1_0;
+       u32 pcfgr_1;
+       u32 pcfgw_1;
+       u32 pcfgqos0_1;
+       u32 pcfgqos1_1;
+       u32 pcfgwqos0_1;
+       u32 pcfgwqos1_1;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_reg {
+       u32 pgcr;
+       u32 aciocr;
+       u32 dxccr;
+       u32 dsgcr;
+       u32 dcr;
+       u32 odtcr;
+       u32 zq0cr1;
+       u32 dx0gcr;
+       u32 dx1gcr;
+       u32 dx2gcr;
+       u32 dx3gcr;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_timing {
+       u32 ptr0;
+       u32 ptr1;
+       u32 ptr2;
+       u32 dtpr0;
+       u32 dtpr1;
+       u32 dtpr2;
+       u32 mr0;
+       u32 mr1;
+       u32 mr2;
+       u32 mr3;
+struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_cal {
+       u32 dx0dllcr;
+       u32 dx0dqtr;
+       u32 dx0dqstr;
+       u32 dx1dllcr;
+       u32 dx1dqtr;
+       u32 dx1dqstr;
+       u32 dx2dllcr;
+       u32 dx2dqtr;
+       u32 dx2dqstr;
+       u32 dx3dllcr;
+       u32 dx3dqtr;
+       u32 dx3dqstr;
+struct stm32mp1_ddr_info {
+       const char *name;
+       u16 speed; /* in MHZ */
+       u32 size;  /* memory size in byte = col * row * width */
+struct stm32mp1_ddr_config {
+       struct stm32mp1_ddr_info info;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_reg c_reg;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_timing c_timing;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_map c_map;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrctrl_perf c_perf;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_reg p_reg;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_timing p_timing;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddrphy_cal p_cal;
+int stm32mp1_ddr_clk_enable(struct ddr_info *priv, u16 mem_speed);
+void stm32mp1_ddrphy_init(struct stm32mp1_ddrphy *phy, u32 pir);
+void stm32mp1_refresh_disable(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl);
+void stm32mp1_refresh_restore(struct stm32mp1_ddrctl *ctl,
+                             u32 rfshctl3,
+                             u32 pwrctl);
+void stm32mp1_ddr_init(
+       struct ddr_info *priv,
+       const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config);
+int stm32mp1_dump_reg(const struct ddr_info *priv,
+                     const char *name);
+void stm32mp1_edit_reg(const struct ddr_info *priv,
+                      char *name,
+                      char *string);
+int stm32mp1_dump_param(const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config,
+                       const char *name);
+void stm32mp1_edit_param(const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config,
+                        char *name,
+                        char *string);
+void stm32mp1_dump_info(
+       const struct ddr_info *priv,
+       const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config);
+bool stm32mp1_ddr_interactive(
+       void *priv,
+       enum stm32mp1_ddr_interact_step step,
+       const struct stm32mp1_ddr_config *config);
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr_regs.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c254b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ddr_regs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#ifndef _RAM_STM32MP1_DDR_REGS_H
+#define _RAM_STM32MP1_DDR_REGS_H
+/* DDR3/LPDDR2/LPDDR3 Controller (DDRCTRL) registers */
+struct stm32mp1_ddrctl {
+       u32 mstr ;              /* 0x0 Master*/
+       u32 stat;               /* 0x4 Operating Mode Status*/
+       u8 reserved008[0x10 - 0x8];
+       u32 mrctrl0;            /* 0x10 Control 0.*/
+       u32 mrctrl1;            /* 0x14 Control 1*/
+       u32 mrstat;             /* 0x18 Status*/
+       u32 reserved01c;        /* 0x1c */
+       u32 derateen;           /* 0x20 Temperature Derate Enable*/
+       u32 derateint;          /* 0x24 Temperature Derate Interval*/
+       u8 reserved028[0x30 - 0x28];
+       u32 pwrctl;             /* 0x30 Low Power Control*/
+       u32 pwrtmg;             /* 0x34 Low Power Timing*/
+       u32 hwlpctl;            /* 0x38 Hardware Low Power Control*/
+       u8 reserved03c[0x50 - 0x3C];
+       u32 rfshctl0;           /* 0x50 Refresh Control 0*/
+       u32 reserved054;        /* 0x54 Refresh Control 1*/
+       u32 reserved058;        /* 0x58 Refresh Control 2*/
+       u32 reserved05C;
+       u32 rfshctl3;           /* 0x60 Refresh Control 0*/
+       u32 rfshtmg;            /* 0x64 Refresh Timing*/
+       u8 reserved068[0xc0 - 0x68];
+       u32 crcparctl0;         /* 0xc0 CRC Parity Control0*/
+       u32 reserved0c4;        /* 0xc4 CRC Parity Control1*/
+       u32 reserved0c8;        /* 0xc8 CRC Parity Control2*/
+       u32 crcparstat;         /* 0xcc CRC Parity Status*/
+       u32 init0;              /* 0xd0 SDRAM Initialization 0*/
+       u32 init1;              /* 0xd4 SDRAM Initialization 1*/
+       u32 init2;              /* 0xd8 SDRAM Initialization 2*/
+       u32 init3;              /* 0xdc SDRAM Initialization 3*/
+       u32 init4;              /* 0xe0 SDRAM Initialization 4*/
+       u32 init5;              /* 0xe4 SDRAM Initialization 5*/
+       u32 reserved0e8;
+       u32 reserved0ec;
+       u32 dimmctl;            /* 0xf0 DIMM Control*/
+       u8 reserved0f4[0x100 - 0xf4];
+       u32 dramtmg0;           /* 0x100 SDRAM Timing 0*/
+       u32 dramtmg1;           /* 0x104 SDRAM Timing 1*/
+       u32 dramtmg2;           /* 0x108 SDRAM Timing 2*/
+       u32 dramtmg3;           /* 0x10c SDRAM Timing 3*/
+       u32 dramtmg4;           /* 0x110 SDRAM Timing 4*/
+       u32 dramtmg5;           /* 0x114 SDRAM Timing 5*/
+       u32 dramtmg6;           /* 0x118 SDRAM Timing 6*/
+       u32 dramtmg7;           /* 0x11c SDRAM Timing 7*/
+       u32 dramtmg8;           /* 0x120 SDRAM Timing 8*/
+       u8 reserved124[0x138 - 0x124];
+       u32 dramtmg14;          /* 0x138 SDRAM Timing 14*/
+       u32 dramtmg15;          /* 0x13C SDRAM Timing 15*/
+       u8 reserved140[0x180 - 0x140];
+       u32 zqctl0;             /* 0x180 ZQ Control 0*/
+       u32 zqctl1;             /* 0x184 ZQ Control 1*/
+       u32 zqctl2;             /* 0x188 ZQ Control 2*/
+       u32 zqstat;             /* 0x18c ZQ Status*/
+       u32 dfitmg0;            /* 0x190 DFI Timing 0*/
+       u32 dfitmg1;            /* 0x194 DFI Timing 1*/
+       u32 dfilpcfg0;          /* 0x198 DFI Low Power Configuration 0*/
+       u32 reserved19c;
+       u32 dfiupd0;            /* 0x1a0 DFI Update 0*/
+       u32 dfiupd1;            /* 0x1a4 DFI Update 1*/
+       u32 dfiupd2;            /* 0x1a8 DFI Update 2*/
+       u32 reserved1ac;
+       u32 dfimisc;            /* 0x1b0 DFI Miscellaneous Control*/
+       u8 reserved1b4[0x1bc - 0x1b4];
+       u32 dfistat;            /* 0x1bc DFI Miscellaneous Control*/
+       u8 reserved1c0[0x1c4 - 0x1c0];
+       u32 dfiphymstr;         /* 0x1c4 DFI PHY Master interface*/
+       u8 reserved1c8[0x204 - 0x1c8];
+       u32 addrmap1;           /* 0x204 Address Map 1*/
+       u32 addrmap2;           /* 0x208 Address Map 2*/
+       u32 addrmap3;           /* 0x20c Address Map 3*/
+       u32 addrmap4;           /* 0x210 Address Map 4*/
+       u32 addrmap5;           /* 0x214 Address Map 5*/
+       u32 addrmap6;           /* 0x218 Address Map 6*/
+       u8 reserved21c[0x224 - 0x21c];
+       u32 addrmap9;           /* 0x224 Address Map 9*/
+       u32 addrmap10;          /* 0x228 Address Map 10*/
+       u32 addrmap11;          /* 0x22C Address Map 11*/
+       u8 reserved230[0x240 - 0x230];
+       u32 odtcfg;             /* 0x240 ODT Configuration*/
+       u32 odtmap;             /* 0x244 ODT/Rank Map*/
+       u8 reserved248[0x250 - 0x248];
+       u32 sched;              /* 0x250 Scheduler Control*/
+       u32 sched1;             /* 0x254 Scheduler Control 1*/
+       u32 reserved258;
+       u32 perfhpr1;           /* 0x25c High Priority Read CAM 1*/
+       u32 reserved260;
+       u32 perflpr1;           /* 0x264 Low Priority Read CAM 1*/
+       u32 reserved268;
+       u32 perfwr1;            /* 0x26c Write CAM 1*/
+       u8 reserved27c[0x300 - 0x270];
+       u32 dbg0;               /* 0x300 Debug 0*/
+       u32 dbg1;               /* 0x304 Debug 1*/
+       u32 dbgcam;             /* 0x308 CAM Debug*/
+       u32 dbgcmd;             /* 0x30c Command Debug*/
+       u32 dbgstat;            /* 0x310 Status Debug*/
+       u8 reserved314[0x320 - 0x314];
+       u32 swctl;              /* 0x320 Software Programming Control Enable*/
+       u32 swstat;             /* 0x324 Software Programming Control Status*/
+       u8 reserved328[0x36c - 0x328];
+       u32 poisoncfg;          /* 0x36c AXI Poison Configuration Register*/
+       u32 poisonstat;         /* 0x370 AXI Poison Status Register*/
+       u8 reserved374[0x3fc - 0x374];
+       /* Multi Port registers */
+       u32 pstat;              /* 0x3fc Port Status*/
+       u32 pccfg;              /* 0x400 Port Common Configuration*/
+       /* PORT 0 */
+       u32 pcfgr_0;            /* 0x404 Configuration Read*/
+       u32 pcfgw_0;            /* 0x408 Configuration Write*/
+       u8 reserved40c[0x490 - 0x40c];
+       u32 pctrl_0;            /* 0x490 Port Control Register */
+       u32 pcfgqos0_0;         /* 0x494 Read QoS Configuration 0*/
+       u32 pcfgqos1_0;         /* 0x498 Read QoS Configuration 1*/
+       u32 pcfgwqos0_0;        /* 0x49c Write QoS Configuration 0*/
+       u32 pcfgwqos1_0;        /* 0x4a0 Write QoS Configuration 1*/
+       u8 reserved4a4[0x4b4 - 0x4a4];
+       /* PORT 1 */
+       u32 pcfgr_1;            /* 0x4b4 Configuration Read*/
+       u32 pcfgw_1;            /* 0x4b8 Configuration Write*/
+       u8 reserved4bc[0x540 - 0x4bc];
+       u32 pctrl_1;            /* 0x540 Port 2 Control Register */
+       u32 pcfgqos0_1;         /* 0x544 Read QoS Configuration 0*/
+       u32 pcfgqos1_1;         /* 0x548 Read QoS Configuration 1*/
+       u32 pcfgwqos0_1;        /* 0x54c Write QoS Configuration 0*/
+       u32 pcfgwqos1_1;        /* 0x550 Write QoS Configuration 1*/
+/* DDR Physical Interface Control (DDRPHYC) registers*/
+struct stm32mp1_ddrphy {
+       u32 ridr;               /* 0x00 R Revision Identification*/
+       u32 pir;                /* 0x04 R/W PHY Initialization*/
+       u32 pgcr;               /* 0x08 R/W PHY General Configuration*/
+       u32 pgsr;               /* 0x0C PHY General Status*/
+       u32 dllgcr;             /* 0x10 R/W DLL General Control*/
+       u32 acdllcr;            /* 0x14 R/W AC DLL Control*/
+       u32 ptr0;               /* 0x18 R/W PHY Timing 0*/
+       u32 ptr1;               /* 0x1C R/W PHY Timing 1*/
+       u32 ptr2;               /* 0x20 R/W PHY Timing 2*/
+       u32 aciocr;             /* 0x24 AC I/O Configuration*/
+       u32 dxccr;              /* 0x28 DATX8 Common Configuration*/
+       u32 dsgcr;              /* 0x2C DDR System General Configuration*/
+       u32 dcr;                /* 0x30 DRAM Configuration*/
+       u32 dtpr0;              /* 0x34 DRAM Timing Parameters0*/
+       u32 dtpr1;              /* 0x38 DRAM Timing Parameters1*/
+       u32 dtpr2;              /* 0x3C DRAM Timing Parameters2*/
+       u32 mr0;                /* 0x40 Mode 0*/
+       u32 mr1;                /* 0x44 Mode 1*/
+       u32 mr2;                /* 0x48 Mode 2*/
+       u32 mr3;                /* 0x4C Mode 3*/
+       u32 odtcr;              /* 0x50 ODT Configuration*/
+       u32 dtar;               /* 0x54 data training address*/
+       u32 dtdr0;              /* 0x58 */
+       u32 dtdr1;              /* 0x5c */
+       u8 res1[0x0c0 - 0x060]; /* 0x60 */
+       u32 dcuar;              /* 0xc0 Address*/
+       u32 dcudr;              /* 0xc4 DCU Data*/
+       u32 dcurr;              /* 0xc8 DCU Run*/
+       u32 dculr;              /* 0xcc DCU Loop*/
+       u32 dcugcr;             /* 0xd0 DCU General Configuration*/
+       u32 dcutpr;             /* 0xd4 DCU Timing Parameters */
+       u32 dcusr0;             /* 0xd8 DCU Status 0*/
+       u32 dcusr1;             /* 0xdc DCU Status 1*/
+       u8 res2[0x100 - 0xe0];  /* 0xe0 */
+       u32 bistrr;             /* 0x100 BIST Run*/
+       u32 bistmskr0;          /* 0x104 BIST Mask 0*/
+       u32 bistmskr1;          /* 0x108 BIST Mask 0*/
+       u32 bistwcr;            /* 0x10c BIST Word Count*/
+       u32 bistlsr;            /* 0x110 BIST LFSR Seed*/
+       u32 bistar0;            /* 0x114 BIST Address 0*/
+       u32 bistar1;            /* 0x118 BIST Address 1*/
+       u32 bistar2;            /* 0x11c BIST Address 2*/
+       u32 bistupdr;           /* 0x120 BIST User Data Pattern*/
+       u32 bistgsr;            /* 0x124 BIST General Status*/
+       u32 bistwer;            /* 0x128 BIST Word Error*/
+       u32 bistber0;           /* 0x12c BIST Bit Error 0*/
+       u32 bistber1;           /* 0x130 BIST Bit Error 1*/
+       u32 bistber2;           /* 0x134 BIST Bit Error 2*/
+       u32 bistwcsr;           /* 0x138 BIST Word Count Status*/
+       u32 bistfwr0;           /* 0x13c BIST Fail Word 0*/
+       u32 bistfwr1;           /* 0x140 BIST Fail Word 1*/
+       u8 res3[0x178 - 0x144]; /* 0x144 */
+       u32 gpr0;               /* 0x178 General Purpose 0 (GPR0)*/
+       u32 gpr1;               /* 0x17C General Purpose 1 (GPR1)*/
+       u32 zq0cr0;             /* 0x180 zq 0 control 0 */
+       u32 zq0cr1;             /* 0x184 zq 0 control 1 */
+       u32 zq0sr0;             /* 0x188 zq 0 status 0 */
+       u32 zq0sr1;             /* 0x18C zq 0 status 1 */
+       u8 res4[0x1C0 - 0x190]; /* 0x190 */
+       u32 dx0gcr;             /* 0x1c0 Byte lane 0 General Configuration*/
+       u32 dx0gsr0;            /* 0x1c4 Byte lane 0 General Status 0*/
+       u32 dx0gsr1;            /* 0x1c8 Byte lane 0 General Status 1*/
+       u32 dx0dllcr;           /* 0x1cc Byte lane 0 DLL Control*/
+       u32 dx0dqtr;            /* 0x1d0 Byte lane 0 DQ Timing*/
+       u32 dx0dqstr;           /* 0x1d4 Byte lane 0 DQS Timing*/
+       u8 res5[0x200 - 0x1d8]; /* 0x1d8 */
+       u32 dx1gcr;             /* 0x200 Byte lane 1 General Configuration*/
+       u32 dx1gsr0;            /* 0x204 Byte lane 1 General Status 0*/
+       u32 dx1gsr1;            /* 0x208 Byte lane 1 General Status 1*/
+       u32 dx1dllcr;           /* 0x20c Byte lane 1 DLL Control*/
+       u32 dx1dqtr;            /* 0x210 Byte lane 1 DQ Timing*/
+       u32 dx1dqstr;           /* 0x214 Byte lane 1 QS Timing*/
+       u8 res6[0x240 - 0x218]; /* 0x218 */
+       u32 dx2gcr;             /* 0x240 Byte lane 2 General Configuration*/
+       u32 dx2gsr0;            /* 0x244 Byte lane 2 General Status 0*/
+       u32 dx2gsr1;            /* 0x248 Byte lane 2 General Status 1*/
+       u32 dx2dllcr;           /* 0x24c Byte lane 2 DLL Control*/
+       u32 dx2dqtr;            /* 0x250 Byte lane 2 DQ Timing*/
+       u32 dx2dqstr;           /* 0x254 Byte lane 2 QS Timing*/
+       u8 res7[0x280 - 0x258]; /* 0x258 */
+       u32 dx3gcr;             /* 0x280 Byte lane 3 General Configuration*/
+       u32 dx3gsr0;            /* 0x284 Byte lane 3 General Status 0*/
+       u32 dx3gsr1;            /* 0x288 Byte lane 3 General Status 1*/
+       u32 dx3dllcr;           /* 0x28c Byte lane 3 DLL Control*/
+       u32 dx3dqtr;            /* 0x290 Byte lane 3 DQ Timing*/
+       u32 dx3dqstr;           /* 0x294 Byte lane 3 QS Timing*/
+#define DXN(phy, offset, byte) ((u32)(phy) + (offset) + ((u32)(byte) * 0x40))
+#define DXNGCR(phy, byte)      DXN(phy, 0x1c0, byte)
+#define DXNDLLCR(phy, byte)    DXN(phy, 0x1cc, byte)
+#define DXNDQTR(phy, byte)     DXN(phy, 0x1d0, byte)
+#define DXNDQSTR(phy, byte)    DXN(phy, 0x1d4, byte)
+#define DDRCTRL_MSTR_DDR3                      BIT(0)
+#define DDRCTRL_MSTR_DATA_BUS_WIDTH_FULL       (0 << 12)
+#define DDRCTRL_MSTR_DATA_BUS_WIDTH_HALF       (1 << 12)
+#define DDRCTRL_MSTR_DLL_OFF_MODE              BIT(15)
+#define DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_ASR          (3 << 4)
+#define DDRCTRL_STAT_SELFREF_TYPE_SR           (2 << 4)
+#define DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_TYPE_WRITE          0
+/* only one rank supported */
+#define DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_RANK_SHIFT          4
+               (0x1 << DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_RANK_SHIFT)
+#define DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_ADDR_SHIFT          12
+#define DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_ADDR_MASK           GENMASK(15, 12)
+#define DDRCTRL_MRCTRL0_MR_WR                  BIT(31)
+#define DDRCTRL_MRSTAT_MR_WR_BUSY              BIT(0)
+#define DDRCTRL_PWRCTL_POWERDOWN_EN            BIT(1)
+#define DDRCTRL_PWRCTL_SELFREF_SW              BIT(5)
+#define DDRCTRL_INIT0_SKIP_DRAM_INIT_MASK      (0xC0000000)
+#define DDRCTRL_DBG1_DIS_HIF                   BIT(1)
+#define DDRCTRL_DBGCAM_DBG_WR_Q_EMPTY          BIT(26)
+               (DDRCTRL_DBGCAM_DBG_WR_Q_EMPTY | \
+                DDRCTRL_DBGCAM_DBG_LPR_Q_DEPTH | \
+#define DDRCTRL_DBGCMD_RANK0_REFRESH           BIT(0)
+#define DDRCTRL_SWCTL_SW_DONE                  BIT(0)
+#define DDRCTRL_SWSTAT_SW_DONE_ACK             BIT(0)
+#define DDRCTRL_PCTRL_N_PORT_EN                        BIT(0)
+/* DDRPHYC registers */
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_INIT                       BIT(0)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_DLLSRST                    BIT(1)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_DLLLOCK                    BIT(2)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_ZCAL                       BIT(3)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_ITMSRST                    BIT(4)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_DRAMRST                    BIT(5)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_DRAMINIT                   BIT(6)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_QSTRN                      BIT(7)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_ICPC                       BIT(16)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_ZCALBYP                    BIT(30)
+#define DDRPHYC_PIR_INITSTEPS_MASK             GENMASK(31, 7)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGCR_DFTCMP                    BIT(2)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGCR_PDDISDX                   BIT(24)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGCR_RFSHDT_MASK               GENMASK(28, 25)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_IDONE                     BIT(0)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_DTERR                     BIT(5)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_DTIERR                    BIT(6)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_DFTERR                    BIT(7)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_RVERR                     BIT(8)
+#define DDRPHYC_PGSR_RVEIRR                    BIT(9)
+#define DDRPHYC_DLLGCR_BPS200                  BIT(23)
+#define DDRPHYC_ACDLLCR_DLLDIS                 BIT(31)
+#define DDRPHYC_ZQ0CRN_ZDATA_MASK              GENMASK(27, 0)
+#define DDRPHYC_ZQ0CRN_ZDATA_SHIFT             0
+#define DDRPHYC_ZQ0CRN_ZDEN                    BIT(28)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNGCR_DXEN                    BIT(0)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDLLCR_DLLDIS                        BIT(31)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDQTR_DQDLY_SHIFT(bit)       (4 * (bit))
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDQTR_DQDLY_MASK             GENMASK(3, 0)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDQTR_DQDLY_HIGH_MASK                GENMASK(3, 2)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDQSTR_R0DGPS_MASK           GENMASK(13, 12)
+#define DDRPHYC_DXNDQSTR_R0DGPS_SHIFT          12
+#define DDRPHYC_BISTRR_BDXSEL_MASK             GENMASK(22, 19)
+#define DDRPHYC_BISTRR_BDXSEL_SHIFT            19
+#define DDRPHYC_BISTGSR_BDDONE                 BIT(0)
+#define DDRPHYC_BISTGSR_BDXERR                 BIT(2)
+/* PWR registers */
+#define PWR_CR3                                        0x00C
+#define PWR_CR3_DDRSRDIS                       BIT(11)
+#define PWR_CR3_DDRRETEN                       BIT(12)
diff --git a/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ram.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9599444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/ram/stm32mp1/stm32mp1_ram.c
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018, STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+        BSD-3-Clause
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <clk.h>
+#include <dm.h>
+#include <ram.h>
+#include <regmap.h>
+#include <syscon.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include "stm32mp1_ddr.h"
+static const char *const clkname[] = {
+       "ddrc1",
+       "ddrc2",
+       "ddrcapb",
+       "ddrphycapb",
+       "ddrphyc" /* LAST clock => used for get_rate() */
+int stm32mp1_ddr_clk_enable(struct ddr_info *priv, uint16_t mem_speed)
+       unsigned long ddrphy_clk;
+       unsigned long ddr_clk;
+       struct clk clk;
+       int ret;
+       int idx;
+       for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(clkname); idx++) {
+               ret = clk_get_by_name(priv->dev, clkname[idx], &clk);
+               if (!ret)
+                       ret = clk_enable(&clk);
+               if (ret) {
+                       printf("error for %s : %d\n", clkname[idx], ret);
+                       return ret;
+               }
+       }
+       priv->clk = clk;
+       ddrphy_clk = clk_get_rate(&priv->clk);
+       debug("DDR: mem_speed (%d MHz), RCC %d MHz\n",
+             mem_speed, (u32)(ddrphy_clk / 1000 / 1000));
+       /* max 10% frequency delta */
+       ddr_clk = abs(ddrphy_clk - mem_speed * 1000 * 1000);
+       if (ddr_clk > (mem_speed * 1000 * 100)) {
+               pr_err("DDR expected freq %d MHz, current is %d MHz\n",
+                      mem_speed, (u32)(ddrphy_clk / 1000 / 1000));
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static __maybe_unused int stm32mp1_ddr_setup(struct udevice *dev)
+       struct ddr_info *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       int ret, idx;
+       struct clk axidcg;
+       struct stm32mp1_ddr_config config;
+#define PARAM(x, y) \
+       { x,\
+         offsetof(struct stm32mp1_ddr_config, y),\
+         sizeof(config.y) / sizeof(u32)}
+#define CTL_PARAM(x) PARAM("st,ctl-"#x, c_##x)
+#define PHY_PARAM(x) PARAM("st,phy-"#x, p_##x)
+       const struct {
+               const char *name; /* name in DT */
+               const u32 offset; /* offset in config struct */
+               const u32 size;   /* size of parameters */
+       } param[] = {
+               CTL_PARAM(reg),
+               CTL_PARAM(timing),
+               CTL_PARAM(map),
+               CTL_PARAM(perf),
+               PHY_PARAM(reg),
+               PHY_PARAM(timing),
+               PHY_PARAM(cal)
+       };
+ = dev_read_u32_default(dev, "st,mem-speed", 0);
+ = dev_read_u32_default(dev, "st,mem-size", 0);
+ = dev_read_string(dev, "st,mem-name");
+       if (! {
+               debug("%s: no st,mem-name\n", __func__);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       printf("RAM: %s\n",;
+       for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(param); idx++) {
+               ret = dev_read_u32_array(dev, param[idx].name,
+                                        (void *)((u32)&config +
+                                                 param[idx].offset),
+                                        param[idx].size);
+               debug("%s: %s[0x%x] = %d\n", __func__,
+                     param[idx].name, param[idx].size, ret);
+               if (ret) {
+                       pr_err("%s: Cannot read %s\n",
+                              __func__, param[idx].name);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+       }
+       ret = clk_get_by_name(dev, "axidcg", &axidcg);
+       if (ret) {
+               debug("%s: Cannot found axidcg\n", __func__);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       clk_disable(&axidcg); /* disable clock gating during init */
+       stm32mp1_ddr_init(priv, &config);
+       clk_enable(&axidcg); /* enable clock gating */
+       /* check size */
+       debug("%s : get_ram_size(%x, %x)\n", __func__,
+             (u32)priv->info.base, (u32)STM32_DDR_SIZE);
+       priv->info.size = get_ram_size((long *)priv->info.base,
+                                      STM32_DDR_SIZE);
+       debug("%s : %x\n", __func__, (u32)priv->info.size);
+       /* check memory access for all memory */
+       if ( != priv->info.size) {
+               printf("DDR invalid size : 0x%x, expected 0x%x\n",
+                      priv->info.size,;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int stm32mp1_ddr_probe(struct udevice *dev)
+       struct ddr_info *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       struct regmap *map;
+       int ret;
+       debug("STM32MP1 DDR probe\n");
+       priv->dev = dev;
+       ret = regmap_init_mem(dev, &map);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       priv->ctl = regmap_get_range(map, 0);
+       priv->phy = regmap_get_range(map, 1);
+       priv->rcc = STM32_RCC_BASE;
+       priv->info.base = STM32_DDR_BASE;
+#if !defined(CONFIG_SPL) || defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)
+       priv->info.size = 0;
+       return stm32mp1_ddr_setup(dev);
+       priv->info.size = dev_read_u32_default(dev, "st,mem-size", 0);
+       return 0;
+static int stm32mp1_ddr_get_info(struct udevice *dev, struct ram_info *info)
+       struct ddr_info *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
+       *info = priv->info;
+       return 0;
+static struct ram_ops stm32mp1_ddr_ops = {
+       .get_info = stm32mp1_ddr_get_info,
+static const struct udevice_id stm32mp1_ddr_ids[] = {
+       { .compatible = "st,stm32mp1-ddr" },
+       { }
+U_BOOT_DRIVER(ddr_stm32mp1) = {
+       .name = "stm32mp1_ddr",
+       .id = UCLASS_RAM,
+       .of_match = stm32mp1_ddr_ids,
+       .ops = &stm32mp1_ddr_ops,
+       .probe = stm32mp1_ddr_probe,
+       .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct ddr_info),

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