On Thu, Mar 08, 2018 at 04:40:03PM +0100, Miquel Raynal wrote:

> Current U-Boot supports TPM v1.2 specification. The new specification
> (v2.0) is not backward compatible and renames/introduces several
> functions.
> This series introduces a new SPI driver following the TPM v2.0
> specification. It has been tested on a ST TPM but should be usable with
> others v2.0 compliant chips.
> Then, basic functionalities are introduced one by one for the v2.0
> specification. The INIT command now can receive a parameter to
> distinguish further TPMv1/TPMv2 commands. After that, the library itself
> will know which one is pertinent and will return a special error if the
> desired command is not supported for the selected specification.

Thanks for doing all of this.  Can you please enable this feature on
sandbox and/or an x86 QEMU variant where I assume we could also then
setup automated testing?


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