I have a rather specific question about u-boot. I am working with a
Xilinx Zynq SoC, and am running a MicroC OS executable file. It is
running on UCOS kernel II. I notice different behavior when I hand off
from the first stage boot loader to the UCOS application directly than
when I hand off to u-boot and then use it to load the image. I am sure
my methodology is correct as for other images it works fine, but not
this one. I am concerned that the problem is related to the actual
memory that u-boot is loading the application which has hard-coded
memory blocks. Is there a way to ensure that u-boot hands off to the
application the same way as the FSBL? For example, when I tell u-boot
to load to address 0x0, is it the same 0x0 that the FSBL loads to? Any
help is appreciated.
Best regards,
Nelson Silva
System Engineer
21515 Ridgetop Circle Suite 390
Sterling, VA. 20166
PH 703-955-3090 Ext 406
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