I'm having trouble getting a binary that I've compiled to work on the Atmel
ngw100 board.  I can use the provided binary from Atmel's site but if I
compile my own from the u-boot-2008.10 or u-boot-2009.11 source, I get
exceptions.  And just in case someone asks..I can't use the binary because
we have a custom board which is close to the ngw100 but not the same (I just
using the ngw100 to get things setup).


I'm sure this must have something to do with my environment setup, but I
can't seem to figure it out.


I would be grateful for any help!  Thanks!



Here's what I'm using for gcc and OS (Ubuntu) -


# avr32-gcc -v

Using built-in specs.

Target: avr32

Configured with: ../../gcc-4.3.2-atmel.1.0.1/configure none

Thread model: single

gcc version 4.3.2 (GCC) 



# uname -a

Linux steve-desktop 2.6.27-16-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 1 17:56:54 UTC 2009
i686 GNU/Linux



This is what I setup when going to build -




make atngw100_config



Everything seems fine during the build.  Then this is the output from a


U-Boot 2009.11 (Jan 05 2010 - 22:27:36)


U-Boot code: (null) -> 00012e9a  data: 00019ed8 -> 0004e9c8

DMA: Using memory from 0x11f6d000 to 0x11f71000

Flash:  3.2 GB at address 0x00000000

DRAM Configuration:

Bank #0: 10000000 32 MB

WARNING: Cannot allocate space for boot parameters

*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment



 *** Unhandled exception 8 at PC=0xc040c040

   pc: c040c040    lr: 11fb9494    sp: 11f6cf44   r12: c040c040

  r11: c86cbfd4   r10: c86cbfd4    r9: 00000002    r8: 00000001

   r7: c86cbfd4    r6: 11fcbda4    r5: 11f6cfa8    r4: 00000001

   r3: c86cbfd4    r2: c86cbfd4    r1: 0001ada4    r0: 11fb0fff

Flags: qvNzc

Mode bits: hrje....g

CPU Mode: Supervisor


Stack: (0x11f6cf44 to 0x11f6cfa8)

cf40:          11fb96bc 11f6cfd4 11fcbda4 11f6cfa8 11f6cfa8 11fb1714

cf60: 11fcbda4 11f6cfa8 11f6cfa8 11f6cfd4 0001adac 0001ada4 11fb0fff

cf80: 02000000 11fcbda4 24007fb4 00000001 043cce13 11fb1000 00000000

cfa0: 00000000 00000000

Unhandled exception





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