On Friday 01 January 2010 11:29:41 Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
> Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote on 01/01/2010 07:18:44:
> > yes, but that doesnt mean gcc takes care of inlining all of printf_puts()
> > into the puts() and all the new call sites go to puts()
> Sure, gcc might not inline the current code in this case. I guess
> you don't want the extra size this would incur or is there some else you
> are concerned about?

the extra size

> > i dont have any plans on wanting this, and it seems pretty invasive ...
> > and easy to introduce new code that breaks PIC people but no one else
> > really notices ...
> Yes, it is a bit invasive hence the question if this is acceptable to
>  u-boot. I have been looking for other ways to do this but there isn't one
>  sans modifying gcc. You are sort of an gcc guy, what do you think the odds
>  are
> that gcc would add a few new options mainly useful for smaller
> embedded progs like u-boot (and possible the kernel too)?

i'm not really a gcc guy ... i just sometimes fake it.  i honestly dont have 
an idea here how they would respond.

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