This patch series focuses on
* correction of parameter types for boot services
* fixes for the SetMem and CopyMem boot services
* fixes for the simple network protocol implementation (SNP)
* a unit test for SetMem, CopyMem and the simple network protocol

The unit test broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER messager over the network and
receives the reply.

This patch series is based on
* efi-next tree
* [PATCH 1/1] efi_selftest: enable CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI_SELFTEST
  This patch enables the unit test on qemu-x86_defconfig
* [PATCH 1/1] efi_loader: provide function comments for boot services

        Move efi_st_memcmp to a new module. We can reuse it in future
        Use constants as return values.
        Reflect renaming of signaled to is_signaled for events.
Heinrich Schuchardt (17):
  efi_loader: call EFI_EXIT in efi_copy_mem, efi_set_mem
  efi_loader: parameters of CopyMem and SetMem
  efi_loader: pass GUIDs as const efi_guid_t *
  efi_loader: wrong type in wait_for_event
  efi_loader: incorrect definition of EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_PROTOCOL
  efi_loader: correct bits of receive_filters bit mask
  efi_loader: fill simple network protocol revision
  efi_loader: efi_net: hwaddr_size = 6
  efi_net: return EFI_UNSUPPORTED where appropriate
  efi_loader: use events for efi_net_receive
  efi_loader: implement WaitForPacket event
  efi_loader: fix efi_net_get_status
  efi_loader: size fields in SimpleNetworkProtocol
  efi_loader: fill return values in SimpleNetworkProtocol
  efi_selftest: correct definition of efi_st_error
  efi_selftest: allow printing MAC addresses
  efi_loader: supply EFI network test

 include/efi_api.h                       |  62 +++--
 include/efi_selftest.h                  |  15 +-
 lib/efi_loader/efi_boottime.c           |  54 ++--
 lib/efi_loader/efi_net.c                | 144 +++++++++--
 lib/efi_selftest/Makefile               |   8 +-
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_console.c |  41 ++-
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_events.c  |   2 +-
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_snp.c     | 424 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_tpl.c     |   2 +-
 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_util.c    |  25 ++
 10 files changed, 702 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_snp.c
 create mode 100644 lib/efi_selftest/efi_selftest_util.c


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