After discussing it with Maxime in IRC I decided to wait till pinctrl
driver for sunxi is ready.
Please kindly disregard this series.


On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Maxime Ripard
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 04:42:24AM +0000, Vasily Khoruzhick wrote:
>> >> >>> +     lcdc_init(lcdc);
>> >> >>> +     sunxi_lcdc_config_pinmux();
>> >> >>
>> >> >> This is already handled in sunxi_lcdc_tcon0_mode_set, why duplicate
>> >> >> it?
>> >> >
>> >> > Because the one that sunxi_lcdc_tcon0_mode_set() calls is
>> >> > DE1-specific. I don't want to split out that code that won't be used
>> >> > by DE2 driver.
>> >
>> > Then move out the common code. It's kind of weird though, since the
>> > DE1 vs DE2 stuff is basically only for the layers part. The TCON is
>> > always there, and is mostly the same. So you should be able to re-use
>> > that with minor modifications.
>> I'm not sure what common code you're talking about. I've already moved
>> out lcdc_pll_set(). Moving pinmux
>> configuration out into common code doesn't look reasonable. It's
>> different for A64 -- for A64 it configures
>> GPD(0)-GPD(21) as function, while for other SoCs it's GPD(18)-GPD(27)
>> or GPD(0)-GPD(27) depending
>> on SoC model. Anyway, pinmux configuration code for DE1 contains a
>> number of ifdef-s that are not necessary
>> for DE2 -- these SoCs don't have DE2 and thus won't be supported.
> Again, DE1 vs DE2 has nothing to do in the discussion
> DE1 devices will look like this:
> DE1 -> TCON -> HDMI / LCD / whatever -> pins
> DE2 will be:
> DE2 -> TCON -> HDMI / LCD / whatever -> pins
> The only thing not in common between these two cases is the display
> engine used. Everything else should be common (except for special
> cases, like the HDMI controller itself that changed as well).
> Maxime
> --
> Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons
> Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering
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