On 18 September 2017 at 16:46, Otavio Salvador <
otavio.salva...@ossystems.com.br> wrote:

> What is the policy on doing u-boot version upgrades this late in the
> release cycle? SHouldn't this wait until after the release?
> Why?
> It is just another recipe and we are upgrading to the final release.
> As Martin said, it was already broken.
> I'll take the responsibility to fix it. But as other packages, upgrades
> has risk and we have more than enough time to proper fix it.

Why?  Because it was merged to master after the freeze.

Personally I'm of the opinion that u-boot is one of those special recipes
that if an upgrade appears just after freeze, we consider it.  If we don't
keep it up to date BSPs won't use the recipe, and we'll be back to every
BSP layer containing its own special copy of the u-boot recipe.

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