Dear Kerry RE: Your request for information about our contact lists The following are a few of the popular lists we have for the USA: Physicians (34 specialties) - 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers Chiropractors - 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers Alternative Medicine - 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers Dentists - 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers Veterinarians - 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers Hospitals - 23,747 Hospital Administrators in over 7,145 Hospitals (full contact info no emails) National Health Service Corp Clinics - 1,300 total records with emails for government run free clinics Nursing Homes - 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes (full contact info no emails) Pharmaceutical Companies - Email only list 47,000 emails of pharma company employees Physical Therapists - 125,460 total records with 5,483 emails and 4,405 fax numbers Acupuncturists - 23,988 records 1,826 emails Hotels - 34,815 total records * 1,642 emails Criminal Attorneys - 142,906 total records, 99,857 emails Real Estate Agents - 1 million records with emails Massage Therapists - 76,701 records and 8,305 emails Medical Equipment Suppliers - 167,425 total records with 6,940 emails and 5,812 fax numbers Mental Health Counselors - 283,184 records 7,206 emails Visiting Nurses & RN's - 91,386 total records with 2,788 emails and 2,390 fax numbers Optometrists - 63,837 records 2,015 emails Psychologists - 63,837 records 2,015 emails Police and Sheriff Services - 42,987 records and 114 emails American Business Email List - 2 million emails various businesses Some of these are very detailed lists with many different fields. Anyway, if you will be ordering this week I can do this pricing: Any 3 lists : $299 Any 4 lists: $349 Any 5 lists: $425 Let me know if you're interested an I will send additional information and samples. Please reply at my other email address instead: Don't forget to include this email in your reply so that I will know about the discounted pricing. Best Regards, Emmett Light PS: If you preferred not to receive my emails you can take action by simply sending an email to this address: _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list