From: Tien Fong Chee <>

Configuration flip-flop driver is mainly used for handling the FPGA program
operation where the FPGA image loading from the flash into FPGA manager.

Signed-off-by: Tien Fong Chee <>
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/cff.c              |  581 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/cff.h |   40 ++
 include/configs/socfpga_arria10_socdk.h  |    6 +
 3 files changed, 627 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/cff.c
 create mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/cff.h

diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/cff.c b/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/cff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..899e995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/cff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+ * COPYRIGHT (C) 2017 Intel Corporation <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0
+ */
+#include <altera.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cff.h>
+#include <asm/arch/fpga_manager.h>
+#include <asm/arch/misc.h>
+#include <asm/arch/system_manager.h>
+#include <asm/arch/reset_manager.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fat.h>
+#include <fs.h>
+#include <fdtdec.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <mmc.h>
+#include <spi_flash.h>
+#include <watchdog.h>
+#define RBF_UNENCRYPTED 0xa65c
+#define RBF_ENCRYPTED 0xa65d
+#define ARRIA10RBF_PERIPH 0x0001
+#define ARRIA10RBF_CORE 0x8001
+static int flash_type = -1;
+struct mmc *mmc;
+/* Local functions */
+static int cff_flash_read(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo, u32 *buffer,
+       u32 *buffer_sizebytes);
+static int cff_flash_preinit(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo,
+       fpga_fs_info *fpga_fsinfo, u32 *buffer, u32 *buffer_sizebytes);
+static const char *get_cff_filename(const void *fdt, int *len, u32 core);
+static int get_cff_offset(const void *fdt, u32 core);
+static struct mmc *init_mmc_device(int dev, bool force_init)
+       struct mmc *mmc;
+       mmc = find_mmc_device(dev);
+       if (!mmc) {
+               printf("no mmc device at slot %x\n", dev);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       if (force_init)
+               mmc->has_init = 0;
+       if (mmc_init(mmc))
+               return NULL;
+       return mmc;
+static int cff_flash_probe(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo)
+       int dev = 0;
+       if(BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1 == flash_type)
+       {
+               mmc = init_mmc_device(dev, true);
+               if (!mmc)
+                       return -ENOTBLK;
+               /* we are looking at the FAT partition */
+               if (fat_register_device(mmc_get_blk_desc(mmc),
+                       cff_flashinfo->sdmmc_flashinfo.dev_part)) {
+                       printf("Failed to set filesystem to FAT.\n");
+                       return -EPERM;
+               }
+       }
+       return flash_type;
+static int flash_read(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo,
+       u32 size_read,
+       u32 *buffer_ptr)
+       size_t ret = EEXIST;
+       loff_t actread;
+       if(BOOT_DEVICE_MMC1 == flash_type) {
+               ret = fat_read_file(cff_flashinfo->sdmmc_flashinfo.filename,
+                               buffer_ptr, cff_flashinfo->flash_offset,
+                                size_read, &actread);
+               if (ret || actread != size_read) {
+                       printf("Failed to read %s from FAT %d ",
+                               cff_flashinfo->sdmmc_flashinfo.filename,
+                                ret);
+                       printf("!= %d.\n", size_read);
+                       return -EPERM;
+               } else
+                       ret = actread;
+               u32 blk = cff_flashinfo->flash_offset/mmc->read_bl_len;
+               u32 cnt = size_read / mmc->read_bl_len;
+               if (!cnt)
+                       cnt = 1;
+               if((size_read % mmc->read_bl_len) &&
+                               (size_read >= mmc->read_bl_len))
+                       cnt++;
+               ret = blk_dread(mmc_get_blk_desc(mmc), blk, cnt,
+                        buffer_ptr);
+               if (cnt != ret)
+                       return -EPERM;
+       }
+               return ret;
+const char *get_cff_filename(const void *fdt, int *len, u32 core)
+       const char *cff_filename = NULL;
+       const char *cell;
+       int nodeoffset;
+       nodeoffset = fdt_subnode_offset(fdt, 0, "chosen");
+       if (nodeoffset >= 0) {
+               if (core)
+                       cell = fdt_getprop(fdt,
+                                       nodeoffset,
+                                       "cffcore-file",
+                                       len);
+               else
+                       cell = fdt_getprop(fdt, nodeoffset, "cff-file", len);
+               if (cell)
+                       cff_filename = cell;
+       }
+       return cff_filename;
+static int get_cff_offset(const void *fdt, u32 core)
+       int nodeoffset = 0;
+       nodeoffset = fdt_subnode_offset(fdt, 0, "chosen");
+       if (nodeoffset >= 0) {
+               if (core)
+                       return fdtdec_get_int(fdt,
+                                       nodeoffset,
+                                       "cffcore-offset",
+                                       -ESPIPE);
+               else
+                       return fdtdec_get_int(fdt,
+                                       nodeoffset,
+                                       "cff-offset",
+                                       -ESPIPE);
+       }
+       return -ESPIPE;
+int cff_from_sdmmc_env(u32 core)
+       int rval = -ENOENT;
+       fpga_fs_info fpga_fsinfo;
+       int len = 0;
+       const char *cff = NULL;
+       char addrToString[32] = {0};
+       int sdmmc_rbf_rawaddr = -ENOENT;
+       flash_type = boot_device();
+       fpga_fsinfo.interface = "sdmmc";
+       cff = get_cff_filename(gd->fdt_blob, &len, core);
+       /* FAT periph RBF file reading */
+       if (cff && (len > 0)) {
+               mmc_initialize(gd->bd);
+               fpga_fsinfo.filename = (char *)cff;
+               fpga_fsinfo.dev_part = getenv("cff_devsel_partition");
+               if (NULL == fpga_fsinfo.dev_part) {
+                       /* FAT partition */
+                       fpga_fsinfo.dev_part = "1";
+                       printf("No SD/MMC partition found in environment. ");
+                       printf("Assuming partition 1.\n");
+               }
+               rval = cff_from_flash(&fpga_fsinfo);
+       }
+       sdmmc_rbf_rawaddr = get_cff_offset(gd->fdt_blob, core);
+        /* RAW periph RBF reading */
+       if (sdmmc_rbf_rawaddr >= 0) {
+               sprintf(addrToString, "%x", sdmmc_rbf_rawaddr);
+               fpga_fsinfo.filename = addrToString;
+               rval = cff_from_flash(&fpga_fsinfo);
+       }
+       return rval;
+void get_rbf_image_info(struct rbf_info *rbf, u16 *buffer)
+       /*
+         Magic ID starting at:
+          -> 1st dword in periph.rbf
+          -> 2nd dword in core.rbf
+       */
+       u32 word_reading_max = 2;
+       u32 i;
+       for(i = 0; i < word_reading_max; i++)
+       {
+               if(RBF_UNENCRYPTED == *(buffer + i)) /* PERIPH RBF */
+                       rbf->security = unencrypted;
+               else if (RBF_ENCRYPTED == *(buffer + i))
+                       rbf->security = encrypted;
+               else if (RBF_UNENCRYPTED == *(buffer + i + 1)) /* CORE RBF */
+                                       rbf->security = unencrypted;
+               else if (RBF_ENCRYPTED == *(buffer + i + 1))
+                                       rbf->security = encrypted;
+               else {
+                       rbf->security = invalid;
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* PERIPH RBF */
+               if (ARRIA10RBF_PERIPH == *(buffer + i + 1)) {
+                       rbf->section = periph_section;
+                       break;
+               }
+               else if (ARRIA10RBF_CORE == *(buffer + i + 1)) {
+                       rbf->section = core_section;
+                       break;
+               } /* CORE RBF */
+               else if (ARRIA10RBF_PERIPH == *(buffer + i + 2)) {
+                       rbf->section = periph_section;
+                       break;
+               }
+               else if (ARRIA10RBF_CORE == *(buffer + i + 2)) {
+                       rbf->section = core_section;
+                       break;
+               }
+               else {
+                       rbf->section = unknown;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return;
+static int cff_flash_preinit(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo,
+       fpga_fs_info *fpga_fsinfo, u32 *buffer, u32 *buffer_sizebytes)
+       u32 *bufferptr_after_header = NULL;
+       u32 buffersize_after_header = 0;
+       u32 rbf_header_data_size = 0;
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* To avoid from keeping re-read the contents */
+       struct image_header *header = &(cff_flashinfo->header);
+       size_t buffer_size = *buffer_sizebytes;
+       u32 *buffer_ptr = (u32 *)*buffer;
+       cff_flashinfo->sdmmc_flashinfo.filename = fpga_fsinfo->filename;
+       cff_flashinfo->flash_offset = 0;
+       cff_flashinfo->flash_offset =
+               simple_strtoul(fpga_fsinfo->filename, NULL, 16);
+        /* Load mkimage header into buffer */
+       ret = flash_read(cff_flashinfo,
+                       sizeof(struct image_header), buffer_ptr);
+       if (0 >= ret) {
+               printf(" Failed to read mkimage header from flash.\n");
+               return -ENOENT;
+       }
+       memcpy(header, (u_char *)buffer_ptr, sizeof(*header));
+       if (!image_check_magic(header)) {
+               printf("FPGA: Bad Magic Number.\n");
+               return -EBADF;
+       }
+       if (!image_check_hcrc(header)) {
+               printf("FPGA: Bad Header Checksum.\n");
+               return -EPERM;
+       }
+       /* Getting rbf data size */
+       cff_flashinfo->remaining =
+               image_get_data_size(header);
+       /* Calculate total size of both rbf data with mkimage header */
+       rbf_header_data_size = cff_flashinfo->remaining +
+                               sizeof(struct image_header);
+       /* Loading to buffer chunk by chunk, normally for OCRAM buffer */
+       if (rbf_header_data_size > buffer_size) {
+               /* Calculate size of rbf data in the buffer */
+               buffersize_after_header =
+                       buffer_size - sizeof(struct image_header);
+               cff_flashinfo->remaining -= buffersize_after_header;
+       } else {
+       /* Loading whole rbf image into buffer, normally for DDR buffer */
+               buffer_size = rbf_header_data_size;
+               /* Calculate size of rbf data in the buffer */
+               buffersize_after_header =
+                       buffer_size - sizeof(struct image_header);
+               cff_flashinfo->remaining = 0;
+       }
+       /* Loading mkimage header and rbf data into buffer */
+       ret = flash_read(cff_flashinfo, buffer_size, buffer_ptr);
+       if (0 >= ret) {
+               printf(" Failed to read mkimage header and rbf data ");
+               printf("from flash.\n");
+               return -ENOENT;
+       }
+       /* Getting pointer of rbf data starting address where is it
+          right after mkimage header */
+       bufferptr_after_header =
+               (u32 *)((u_char *)buffer_ptr + sizeof(struct image_header));
+       /* Update next reading rbf data flash offset */
+       cff_flashinfo->flash_offset += buffer_size;
+       /* Update the starting addr of rbf data to init FPGA & programming
+          into FPGA */
+       *buffer = (u32)bufferptr_after_header;
+       get_rbf_image_info(&cff_flashinfo->rbfinfo, (u16 
+       /* Update the size of rbf data to be programmed into FPGA */
+       *buffer_sizebytes = buffersize_after_header;
+       cff_flashinfo->datacrc =
+               crc32(cff_flashinfo->datacrc,
+               (u_char *)bufferptr_after_header,
+               buffersize_after_header);
+if (0 == cff_flashinfo->remaining) {
+       if (cff_flashinfo->datacrc !=
+               image_get_dcrc(&(cff_flashinfo->header))) {
+               printf("FPGA: Bad Data Checksum.\n");
+               return -EPERM;
+       }
+       return 0;
+static int cff_flash_read(struct cff_flash_info *cff_flashinfo, u32 *buffer,
+       u32 *buffer_sizebytes)
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* To avoid from keeping re-read the contents */
+       size_t buffer_size = *buffer_sizebytes;
+       u32 *buffer_ptr = (u32 *)*buffer;
+       u32 flash_addr = cff_flashinfo->flash_offset;
+       /* Buffer allocated in OCRAM */
+       /* Read the data by small chunk by chunk. */
+       if (cff_flashinfo->remaining > buffer_size)
+               cff_flashinfo->remaining -= buffer_size;
+       else {
+               /* Buffer allocated in DDR, larger than rbf data most
+                 of the time */
+               buffer_size = cff_flashinfo->remaining;
+               cff_flashinfo->remaining = 0;
+       }
+       ret = flash_read(cff_flashinfo, buffer_size, buffer_ptr);
+       if (0 >= ret) {
+               printf(" Failed to read rbf data from flash.\n");
+               return -ENOENT;
+       }
+       cff_flashinfo->datacrc =
+               crc32(cff_flashinfo->datacrc,
+                       (unsigned char *)buffer_ptr, buffer_size);
+if (0 == cff_flashinfo->remaining) {
+       if (cff_flashinfo->datacrc !=
+               image_get_dcrc(&(cff_flashinfo->header))) {
+               printf("FPGA: Bad Data Checksum.\n");
+               return -EPERM;
+       }
+       /* Update next reading rbf data flash offset */
+       flash_addr += buffer_size;
+       cff_flashinfo->flash_offset = flash_addr;
+       /* Update the size of rbf data to be programmed into FPGA */
+       *buffer_sizebytes = buffer_size;
+       return 0;
+int cff_from_flash(fpga_fs_info *fpga_fsinfo)
+       u32 buffer = 0;
+       u32 buffer_ori = 0;
+       u32 buffer_sizebytes = 0;
+       u32 buffer_sizebytes_ori = 0;
+       struct cff_flash_info cff_flashinfo;
+       u32 status;
+       int ret = 0;
+       memset(&cff_flashinfo, 0, sizeof(cff_flashinfo));
+       if (fpga_fsinfo->filename == NULL) {
+               printf("no [periph/core] rbf [filename/offset] specified.\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       cff_flashinfo.sdmmc_flashinfo.dev_part =
+               simple_strtol(fpga_fsinfo->dev_part, NULL, 10);
+       ret = cff_flash_probe(&cff_flashinfo);
+       if (0 >= ret) {
+               puts("Flash probe failed.\n");
+               return ret;
+       }
+       /* Loading rbf data with DDR, faster than OCRAM,
+          only for core rbf */
+       if (gd->ram_size != 0) {
+               ret = fat_size(fpga_fsinfo->filename, (loff_t 
+               if(ret){
+                       puts("Failed to read file size.\n");
+                       return ret;
+               }
+               buffer_ori = (u32)memalign(ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN, buffer_sizebytes);
+               if (!buffer_ori) {
+                       error("RBF calloc failed!\n");
+                       return -ENOMEM;
+               }
+               /* Loading mkimage header and rbf data into
+                  DDR instead of OCRAM */
+               buffer = buffer_ori;
+               buffer_sizebytes_ori = buffer_sizebytes;
+       } else {
+               buffer = buffer_ori = (u32)cff_flashinfo.buffer;
+               buffer_sizebytes =
+                       buffer_sizebytes_ori =
+                               sizeof(cff_flashinfo.buffer);
+       }
+       /* Adjust to adjacent block */
+       buffer_sizebytes = buffer_sizebytes_ori =
+                               (sizeof(cff_flashinfo.buffer)/ 
mmc->read_bl_len) *
+                                       mmc->read_bl_len;
+       /* Note: Both buffer and buffer_sizebytes values can be altered by
+          function below. */
+       ret = cff_flash_preinit(&cff_flashinfo, fpga_fsinfo, &buffer,
+               &buffer_sizebytes);
+       if (ret)
+               return ret;
+       if (periph_section == cff_flashinfo.rbfinfo.section) {
+               /* initialize the FPGA Manager */
+               status = fpgamgr_program_init((u32 *)buffer, buffer_sizebytes);
+               if (status) {
+                       printf("FPGA: Init with periph rbf failed with error. 
+                       printf("code %d\n", status);
+                       return -EPERM;
+               }
+       }
+       /* transfer data to FPGA Manager */
+       fpgamgr_program_write((void *)buffer,
+               buffer_sizebytes);
+       while (cff_flashinfo.remaining) {
+               ret = cff_flash_read(&cff_flashinfo, &buffer_ori,
+                       &buffer_sizebytes_ori);
+               if (ret)
+                       return ret;
+               /* transfer data to FPGA Manager */
+               fpgamgr_program_write((void *)buffer_ori,
+                       buffer_sizebytes_ori);
+               WATCHDOG_RESET();
+       }
+       if ((periph_section == cff_flashinfo.rbfinfo.section) &&
+        is_early_release_fpga_config(gd->fdt_blob)) {
+               if (-ETIMEDOUT != fpgamgr_wait_early_user_mode())
+                       printf("FPGA: Early Release Succeeded.\n");
+               else {
+                       printf("FPGA: Failed to see Early Release.\n");
+                       return -EIO;
+               }
+       } else if ((core_section == cff_flashinfo.rbfinfo.section) ||
+        ((periph_section == cff_flashinfo.rbfinfo.section) &&
+        !is_early_release_fpga_config(gd->fdt_blob))) {
+               /* Ensure the FPGA entering config done */
+               status = fpgamgr_program_finish();
+               if (status)
+                       return status;
+               else
+                       printf("FPGA: Enter user mode.\n");
+       } else {
+               printf("Config Error: Unsupported FGPA raw binary type.\n");
+               return -ENOEXEC;
+       }
+       return 1;
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/cff.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3f66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/cff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0
+ */
+#ifndef        _SOCFPGA_CFF_H_
+#define        _SOCFPGA_CFF_H_
+#include <fpga.h>
+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY_
+struct flash_info {
+       char *filename;
+       int dev_part;
+enum rbf_type {unknown, periph_section, core_section};
+enum rbf_security {invalid, unencrypted, encrypted};
+struct rbf_info {
+       enum rbf_type section ;
+       enum rbf_security security;
+struct cff_flash_info {
+       struct flash_info sdmmc_flashinfo;
+       u32 buffer[4096] __aligned(ARCH_DMA_MINALIGN);
+       u32 remaining;
+       u32 flash_offset;
+       struct rbf_info rbfinfo;
+       struct image_header header;
+int cff_from_sdmmc_env(unsigned int core);
+int cff_from_flash(fpga_fs_info *fpga_fsinfo);
+#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
+#endif /* _SOCFPGA_CFF_H_ */
diff --git a/include/configs/socfpga_arria10_socdk.h 
index 3b59b6a..83e4d47 100644
--- a/include/configs/socfpga_arria10_socdk.h
+++ b/include/configs/socfpga_arria10_socdk.h
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@
  * Flash configurations
+/* Default SDMMC physical address for periph.rbf (sector alignment) */
+#define CONFIG_FS_FAT_MAX_CLUSTSIZE (32 * 1024)
 /* The rest of the configuration is shared */
 #include <configs/socfpga_common.h>

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