"Chaiken, Alison" <ali...@she-devel.com> wrote:

> On 2017-05-30 00:37, Lothar Waßmann wrote:
> [ SNIP]
> >> +#define MAX_SEARCH_PARTITIONS 16
> > Why the hard limit to 16 partitions?
> > A standard Android system will jump right in your face with this limit.
> Lothar, I'm working on making the other changes you suggested.   
> Meanwhile, the answer to this question is that I copied the macro from a 
> header file in 2015.07, which is the version for which I developed the 
> patches.   I saw no equivalent value in this latest release of Das 
> U-Boot.   Do you have a better suggestion?   Is there a similar macro 
> elsewhere that I failed to discover?
I'm just concerned, that the limit may be too low for a certain class
of systems and see no reason why it shouldn't be set higher. There is
no memory allocation involved that would consume more memory with a
higher limit.

I'v seen, the macro is defined in disk/part.c. Maybe for consistency
this should be defined in some header file and used in the original
place and your patch.

Lothar Waßmann

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