Hello Jon,

jon.gads...@invensysrail.com wrote:
> The MPC8360ERDK from Freescale has both Broadcom 5481 and National DP83848 
> ethernet interfaces.  However the U-Boot supplied with the RDK only 
> supports the Broadcom 5481.  Has anybody got the National DP83848 
> interface working for U-Boot on this RDK?  In the U-Boot archives I can 
> only find references to the DP83848 driver for the A91RM9200 board.
The UEC driver has support for a generic PHY.  It might 'just work'.
> Thanks, Jon
> --
> Jon Gadsden
> Embedded Software Engineer, 
> Vital Platforms Centre of Excellence
> Invensys Rail (UK), Chippenham
> Telephone: +44 (0) 1249 441407
> email: jon.gads...@invensysrail.com
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