This series moves more commands to Kconfig.

There are two points of note:

- A patch is included to drop the whole digital thermometer and thermostat
    (DTT) subsystem. It has been replaced with UCLASS_THERMAL and boards
    should be using that instead.

- Also included is a patch to drop three-wire serial (TWS) support. This
    is only used by one board and does not support driver model.

These two patches can be applied now, or delayed until a better time.

Simon Glass (47):
  configs: Re-sync
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_CMD_DS4510_INFO
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_CMD_DS4510_MEM
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_CMD_DS4510_RST
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_CMD_DS4510
  Convert CONFIG_DS4510 to Kconfig
  Drop three-wire serial (TWS) support
  Drop digital thermometer and thermostat (DTT) drivers
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_SYS_I2C_DS1621_ADDR
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_SYS_I2C_DS4510_ADDR
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ECCTEST to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_EECONFIG to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_EEPROM et al to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ENTERRCM to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ENV to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ENV_CALLBACK to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ENV_FLAGS to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ERRATA to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_ETHSW to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_FDC to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_FPGAD to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_FPGA_LOADBP et al to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_FUSE to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_GETTIME to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_GSC to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_HASH to Kconfig
  Kconfig: Add CONFIG_HASH to enable hashing API
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_HD44760 to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_HDMIDETECT to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IDE to Kconfig
  Kconfig: Add a CONFIG_IDE option
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IMMAP to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IO to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IOLOOP to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IOTRACE to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_JFFS2 to Kconfig
  fs: Kconfig: Add a separate option for FS_JFFS2
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_IRQ to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_KGDB to Kconfig
  Kconfig: Drop CONFIG_CMD_LOADY
  Convert CONFIG_LZMA to Kconfig
  Convert CONFIG_CMD_LZMADEC to Kconfig

 README                                             |  78 +------
 api/api_storage.c                                  |   2 +-
 arch/Kconfig                                       |   8 +
 arch/arm/Kconfig                                   |   2 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/ls102xa/Kconfig                 |   1 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx6/Kconfig                     |   1 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv7/mx7/Kconfig                     |   2 +
 arch/arm/cpu/armv8/fsl-layerscape/Kconfig          |   4 +
 arch/arm/imx-common/Kconfig                        |   6 +
 arch/arm/include/asm/fsl_secure_boot.h             |   2 -
 arch/arm/mach-exynos/Kconfig                       |   1 +
 arch/arm/mach-kirkwood/include/mach/config.h       |   6 +-
 arch/arm/mach-omap2/Kconfig                        |   1 +
 arch/arm/mach-omap2/am33xx/Kconfig                 |   1 +
 arch/arm/mach-tegra/Kconfig                        |  16 ++
 arch/powerpc/Kconfig                               |   3 +
 arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc5xxx/ide.c                     |   2 +-
 arch/powerpc/cpu/mpc85xx/Kconfig                   |  50 +++++
 arch/powerpc/cpu/ppc4xx/Kconfig                    |   6 +
 arch/powerpc/include/asm/fsl_secure_boot.h         |   1 -
 arch/powerpc/lib/Kconfig                           |   8 +
 arch/powerpc/lib/Makefile                          |   3 +-
 {cmd => arch/powerpc/lib}/immap.c                  |   0
 board/freescale/common/Kconfig                     |   8 +
 board/freescale/m5253demo/m5253demo.c              |   4 +-
 board/freescale/m5253evbe/m5253evbe.c              |   4 +-
 board/freescale/m54455evb/m54455evb.c              |   2 +-
 board/gateworks/gw_ventana/Kconfig                 |  13 ++
 board/gdsys/405ep/dlvision-10g.c                   |  10 +-
 board/gdsys/405ep/io.c                             |  10 +-
 board/gdsys/405ep/neo.c                            |  10 +-
 board/gdsys/405ex/io64.c                           |  10 +-
 board/gdsys/mpc8308/Kconfig                        |   5 +
 board/intercontrol/digsy_mtc/digsy_mtc.c           |   4 +-
 board/jupiter/jupiter.c                            |   2 +-
 board/phytec/pcm030/pcm030.c                       |   4 +-
 board/tqc/tqm5200/tqm5200.c                        |   2 +-
 board/v38b/v38b.c                                  |   2 +-
 board/work-microwave/work_92105/Kconfig            |   5 +
 .../work-microwave/work_92105/work_92105_display.c |   2 +-
 cmd/Kconfig                                        | 224 +++++++++++++++++++++
 cmd/Makefile                                       |   4 -
 cmd/cramfs.c                                       |   4 +-
 cmd/dtt.c                                          | 120 -----------
 cmd/eeprom.c                                       |   4 -
 cmd/fdt.c                                          |   8 +-
 cmd/pcmcia.c                                       |   2 +-
 common/Kconfig                                     |  12 ++
 common/Makefile                                    |   3 +-
 common/board_r.c                                   |  10 +-
 common/hash.c                                      |   4 +-
 configs/B4420QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/B4420QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/B4420QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_NAND_SYSCLK100_defconfig        |   1 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_NAND_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_SPIFLASH_SYSCLK100_defconfig    |   1 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig  |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig  |   1 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig   |   1 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig   |   1 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig             |   3 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig        |   3 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/CPCI2DP_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/CPCI4052_defconfig                         |   3 +
 configs/M52277EVB_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M52277EVB_stmicro_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/M5253DEMO_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5253EVBE_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_a66_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/M54455EVB_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/M54455EVB_i66_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/M54455EVB_intel_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/M54455EVB_stm33_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/MIP405T_defconfig                          |   4 +
 configs/MIP405_defconfig                           |   4 +
 configs/MPC8323ERDB_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8349ITXGP_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/MPC8349ITX_LOWBOOT_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/MPC8349ITX_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_36BIT_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_SDCARD_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/MPC8540ADS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8541CDS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8541CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/MPC8544DS_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_36BIT_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/MPC8555CDS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8555CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/MPC8560ADS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8568MDS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8569MDS_ATM_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/MPC8569MDS_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8572DS_36BIT_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/MPC8572DS_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/MiniFAP_defconfig                          |   3 +
 configs/O2D300_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/O2DNT2_RAMBOOT_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/O2DNT2_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/O2D_defconfig                              |   1 +
 configs/O2I_defconfig                              |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M110_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M112_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M113_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/O3DNT_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig    |   1 +
 .../P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig     |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig    |   1 +
 .../P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig     |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_NAND_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_NAND_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/P1022DS_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/P1023RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_NAND_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/P3041DS_NAND_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P3041DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P4080DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P5020DS_NAND_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P5020DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P5040DS_NAND_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P5040DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/PATI_defconfig                             |   2 +
 configs/PIP405_defconfig                           |   4 +
 configs/PLU405_defconfig                           |   3 +
 configs/PMC405DE_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/PMC440_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/Sinovoip_BPI_M2_Plus_defconfig             |   1 -
 configs/T1023RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_DDR4_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig        |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1024RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1040D4RDB_NAND_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/T1040D4RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/T1040D4RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/T1040D4RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/T1040D4RDB_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_DDR4_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/T1040QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1040RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/T1040RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1042D4RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig           |   1 +
 configs/T1042RDB_PI_NAND_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig     |   1 +
 configs/T1042RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T2080RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T4160QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T4240QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200S_HIGHBOOT_defconfig                |   3 +
 configs/TQM5200S_defconfig                         |   3 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_HIGHBOOT_defconfig               |   3 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_defconfig                        |   3 +
 configs/TQM5200_STK100_defconfig                   |   3 +
 configs/TQM5200_defconfig                          |   3 +
 configs/TQM823L_LCD_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/TQM823L_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM823M_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM834x_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM850L_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM850M_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM855L_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM855M_defconfig                          |   3 +
 configs/TQM860L_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM860M_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM862L_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM862M_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TQM866M_defconfig                          |   3 +
 configs/TQM885D_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/TTTech_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/TWR-P1025_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/VOM405_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/a4m072_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/ac14xx_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/acadia_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/am335x_baltos_defconfig                    |   5 +-
 configs/am335x_evm_defconfig                       |   1 -
 configs/am335x_hs_evm_defconfig                    |   3 -
 configs/am335x_igep003x_defconfig                  |   6 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_defconfig                       |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_ict_defconfig                   |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_netboot_defconfig               |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_prompt_defconfig                |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_sdboot_defconfig                |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_shc_sdboot_prompt_defconfig         |   4 +-
 configs/am335x_sl50_defconfig                      |   5 +-
 configs/am3517_crane_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/am43xx_evm_defconfig                       |   2 +-
 configs/am43xx_hs_evm_defconfig                    |   2 +-
 configs/am57xx_evm_defconfig                       |   4 +-
 configs/am57xx_hs_evm_defconfig                    |   4 +-
 configs/ap121_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/ap143_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/ap325rxa_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/apalis_imx6_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/apalis_imx6_nospl_com_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/apalis_imx6_nospl_it_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/apf27_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/arches_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/aria_defconfig                             |   2 +
 configs/astro_mcf5373l_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/at91sam9263ek_norflash_boot_defconfig      |   2 +-
 configs/at91sam9263ek_norflash_defconfig           |   2 +-
 configs/atngw100_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/atngw100mkii_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/atstk1002_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/bamboo_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/bayleybay_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/bcm958622hr_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/birdland_bav335a_defconfig                 |   3 +-
 configs/birdland_bav335b_defconfig                 |   3 +-
 configs/bk4r1_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/brppt1_mmc_defconfig                       |   2 +-
 configs/brppt1_nand_defconfig                      |   2 +-
 configs/brppt1_spi_defconfig                       |   2 +-
 configs/brxre1_defconfig                           |   2 +-
 configs/bubinga_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/cam5200_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/cam5200_niosflash_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/canmb_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/canyonlands_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/charon_defconfig                           |   3 +
 configs/chiliboard_defconfig                       |   4 +-
 configs/chromebook_link64_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/chromebook_link_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/chromebook_minnie_defconfig                |   2 +-
 configs/chromebook_samus_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/chromebox_panther_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/cl-som-am57x_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/cm5200_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/cm_fx6_defconfig                           |   4 +-
 configs/cm_t335_defconfig                          |   4 +-
 configs/cm_t3517_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/cm_t35_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/cm_t43_defconfig                           |   4 +-
 configs/cm_t54_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/colibri_imx6_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/colibri_imx6_nospl_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/colibri_imx7_defconfig                     |   2 +-
 configs/colibri_vf_defconfig                       |   3 +-
 configs/comtrend_ar5387un_ram_defconfig            |  65 +++---
 configs/comtrend_vr3032u_ram_defconfig             |  66 +++---
 ...conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845-internal-uart_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/conga-qeval20-qa3-e3845_defconfig          |   1 +
 .../controlcenterd_36BIT_SDCARD_DEVELOP_defconfig  |   2 +
 configs/controlcenterd_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig      |   2 +
 .../controlcenterd_TRAILBLAZER_DEVELOP_defconfig   |   2 +
 configs/controlcenterd_TRAILBLAZER_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/coreboot-x86_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/cougarcanyon2_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/crownbay_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/d2net_v2_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/dbau1000_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/dbau1100_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/dbau1500_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/devconcenter_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/devkit3250_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/devkit8000_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/dfi-bt700-q7x-151_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_RAMBOOT_defconfig                |   3 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_defconfig                        |   3 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_rev5_RAMBOOT_defconfig           |   3 +
 configs/digsy_mtc_rev5_defconfig                   |   3 +
 configs/dns325_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/dockstar_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/dra7xx_evm_defconfig                       |  11 +-
 configs/dra7xx_hs_evm_defconfig                    |   8 +-
 configs/dreamplug_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/ds109_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/ds414_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/eco5pk_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/edb9315a_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/edminiv2_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/efi-x86_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/ethernut5_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/evb-ast2500_defconfig                      |  12 +-
 configs/evb-rk3399_defconfig                       |   5 +-
 configs/firefly-rk3399_defconfig                   |   1 -
 configs/fo300_defconfig                            |   3 +
 configs/galileo_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/gdppc440etx_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/glacier_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/glacier_ramboot_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/goflexhome_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/grasshopper_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/guruplug_defconfig                         |   3 +
 configs/gwventana_emmc_defconfig                   |   5 +-
 configs/gwventana_gw5904_defconfig                 |   5 +-
 configs/gwventana_nand_defconfig                   |   5 +-
 configs/haleakala_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/hrcon_defconfig                            |   2 +
 configs/hrcon_dh_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/huawei_hg556a_ram_defconfig                |  67 +++---
 configs/ib62x0_defconfig                           |   3 +
 configs/icon_defconfig                             |   2 +
 configs/iconnect_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/ids8313_defconfig                          |   3 +
 configs/imx31_phycore_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/imx31_phycore_eet_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/imx6dl_icore_mmc_defconfig                 |   2 +-
 configs/imx6dl_icore_nand_defconfig                |   2 +-
 configs/imx6q_icore_mmc_defconfig                  |   2 +-
 configs/imx6q_icore_nand_defconfig                 |   2 +-
 configs/inetspace_v2_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/inka4x0_defconfig                          |   2 +-
 configs/intip_defconfig                            |   2 +
 configs/io64_defconfig                             |   2 +
 configs/iocon_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/ipek01_defconfig                           |   2 +
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 configs/sequoia_ramboot_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/sfr_nb4-ser_ram_defconfig                  |  67 +++---
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 configs/stm32f746-disco_defconfig                  |  14 +-
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 configs/tqma6dl_mba6_spi_defconfig                 |   1 +
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 configs/tqma6q_mba6_spi_defconfig                  |   1 +
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 configs/tqma6s_mba6_spi_defconfig                  |   1 +
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 configs/zynq_zc770_xm013_defconfig                 |   4 +
 configs/zynq_zed_defconfig                         |   4 +
 configs/zynq_zybo_defconfig                        |   5 +
 doc/README.JFFS2                                   |   3 +
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 drivers/Makefile                                   |   2 -
 drivers/block/Kconfig                              |   8 +
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 {common => drivers/block}/ide.c                    |   0
 drivers/block/sil680.c                             |   2 +-
 drivers/hwmon/Kconfig                              |   0
 drivers/hwmon/Makefile                             |  22 --
 drivers/hwmon/adm1021.c                            | 164 ---------------
 drivers/hwmon/adt7460.c                            |  73 -------
 drivers/hwmon/ds1621.c                             | 155 --------------
 drivers/hwmon/ds1722.c                             | 137 -------------
 drivers/hwmon/ds1775.c                             | 126 ------------
 drivers/hwmon/ds620.c                              |  65 ------
 drivers/hwmon/lm63.c                               | 160 ---------------
 drivers/hwmon/lm73.c                               | 146 --------------
 drivers/hwmon/lm75.c                               | 143 -------------
 drivers/hwmon/lm81.c                               | 111 ----------
 drivers/misc/Kconfig                               |   8 +
 drivers/misc/ds4510.c                              |  53 +----
 {include => drivers/misc}/ds4510.h                 |  10 -
 drivers/pcmcia/marubun_pcmcia.c                    |   2 +-
 drivers/pcmcia/mpc8xx_pcmcia.c                     |   2 +-
 drivers/pcmcia/tqm8xx_pcmcia.c                     |   2 +-
 drivers/rtc/Makefile                               |   1 -
 drivers/rtc/rtc4543.c                              | 101 ----------
 drivers/twserial/Makefile                          |   8 -
 drivers/twserial/soft_tws.c                        |  94 ---------
 fs/Makefile                                        |   2 +-
 fs/fat/fat.c                                       |   2 +-
 fs/jffs2/Kconfig                                   |   7 +
 include/config_cmd_all.h                           |  12 --
 include/config_distro_bootcmd.h                    |   6 +-
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 include/configs/BSC9131RDB.h                       |   4 -
 include/configs/BSC9132QDS.h                       |   4 -
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 include/configs/CPCI4052.h                         |   3 -
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 include/configs/M54455EVB.h                        |   2 -
 include/configs/MIP405.h                           |   4 -
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 include/configs/MPC8572DS.h                        |   2 -
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 include/configs/PLU405.h                           |   3 -
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 include/configs/PMC440.h                           |  22 --
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 include/configs/mv-common.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/mv-plug-common.h                   |   3 -
 include/configs/mx51evk.h                          |   1 -
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 include/configs/mx6cuboxi.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/mx7_common.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/nas220.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/neo.h                              |  10 -
 include/configs/nitrogen6x.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/novena.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/nsa310s.h                          |   6 +-
 include/configs/o2dnt-common.h                     |   1 -
 include/configs/odroid_xu3.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/omap3_evm.h                        |   2 -
 include/configs/omapl138_lcdk.h                    |   2 -
 include/configs/openrd.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/ot1200.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/p1_p2_rdb_pc.h                     |   2 -
 include/configs/p1_twr.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/pb1x00.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/pcm030.h                           |   2 -
 include/configs/pcm051.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/pcm052.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/pcm058.h                           |   3 -
 include/configs/pdm360ng.h                         |   3 -
 include/configs/pengwyn.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/pm9263.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/pm9g45.h                           |   1 -
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 include/configs/qemu-mips.h                        |   4 -
 include/configs/qemu-mips64.h                      |   4 -
 include/configs/qemu-ppce500.h                     |   1 -
 include/configs/qemu-x86.h                         |   5 +-
 include/configs/r0p7734.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/r2dplus.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/r7780mp.h                          |   5 +-
 include/configs/s32v234evb.h                       |   1 -
 include/configs/sandbox.h                          |  10 -
 include/configs/sequoia.h                          |   9 -
 include/configs/sh7763rdp.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/sheevaplug.h                       |   4 +-
 include/configs/shmin.h                            |   1 -
 include/configs/socfpga_vining_fpga.h              |   2 -
 include/configs/socrates.h                         |   9 -
 include/configs/spear-common.h                     |   1 -
 include/configs/strider.h                          |   3 -
 include/configs/t3corp.h                           |   1 -
 include/configs/t4qds.h                            |   2 -
 include/configs/tam3517-common.h                   |   1 -
 include/configs/tbs2910.h                          |   1 -
 include/configs/tegra-common.h                     |   2 -
 include/configs/theadorable.h                      |   1 -
 include/configs/ti_armv7_keystone2.h               |   1 -
 include/configs/topic_miami.h                      |   4 -
 include/configs/tplink_wdr4300.h                   |   1 -
 include/configs/tqma6.h                            |  11 -
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 include/configs/tricorder.h                        |   3 -
 include/configs/usbarmory.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/v38b.h                             |   3 -
 include/configs/vct.h                              |   6 -
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 include/configs/vf610twr.h                         |   1 -
 include/configs/vme8349.h                          |   4 -
 include/configs/wandboard.h                        |   1 -
 include/configs/work_92105.h                       |  10 -
 include/configs/x600.h                             |   2 -
 include/configs/x86-common.h                       |   4 -
 include/configs/xilinx-ppc.h                       |   5 -
 include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp.h                    |   2 -
 include/configs/xilinx_zynqmp_zcu102.h             |   1 -
 include/configs/xpedite1000.h                      |   3 -
 include/configs/xpedite517x.h                      |  24 ---
 include/configs/xpedite520x.h                      |   2 -
 include/configs/xpedite537x.h                      |  22 --
 include/configs/xpedite550x.h                      |   5 -
 include/configs/yosemite.h                         |   9 -
 include/configs/zipitz2.h                          |   2 -
 include/configs/zynq-common.h                      |   5 -
 include/configs/zynq_zybo.h                        |   1 -
 include/dtt.h                                      |  47 -----
 include/i2c.h                                      |   3 -
 include/pcmcia.h                                   |   4 +-
 include/tws.h                                      |  21 --
 lib/Kconfig                                        |   8 +
 scripts/config_whitelist.txt                       |  71 -------
 875 files changed, 1474 insertions(+), 3142 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/powerpc/lib/Kconfig
 rename {cmd => arch/powerpc/lib}/immap.c (100%)
 delete mode 100644 cmd/dtt.c
 rename {common => drivers/block}/ide.c (100%)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/Kconfig
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/adm1021.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/adt7460.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/ds1621.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/ds1722.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/ds1775.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/ds620.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/lm63.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/lm73.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/lm75.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/hwmon/lm81.c
 rename {include => drivers/misc}/ds4510.h (75%)
 delete mode 100644 drivers/rtc/rtc4543.c
 delete mode 100644 drivers/twserial/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 drivers/twserial/soft_tws.c
 delete mode 100644 include/dtt.h
 delete mode 100644 include/tws.h


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