On Tuesday 03 November 2009 16:26:17 Paul Thomas wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Mike Frysinger <vap...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 03 November 2009 16:12:40 Paul Thomas wrote:
> >> From: Paul Thomas <ptho...@black.(none)>
> >
> > looks like you need to fix your git environment & re-submit this patch
> Yeah, I saw it does that in git send-email, but the first prompt "Who
> should the emails appear to be from?" is correct, and the email in the
> .gitconfig is correct. I don't know where's it's pulling that info
> from or why it's different from the prompt. It's very annoying.

it's most likely encoded in the patch itself.  the git-send-email question 
only asks about the From: field, not the author aspect.

make sure your ~/.gitconfig is correct and has user.name and user.email set, 
then amend the patch (assuming it's the last changeset in your branch) by 
git commit --amend --author 'Your Name <y...@email.com>'

that should reset all the relevant fields

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