On 05/12/2017 10:49 AM, Patrice CHOTARD wrote:
> Hi Marek
> On 05/11/2017 01:55 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>> On 05/11/2017 09:19 AM, Patrice CHOTARD wrote:
>>> Hi Marek
>>> On 05/10/2017 11:18 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
>>>> On 05/10/2017 06:09 PM, patrice.chot...@st.com wrote:
>>>>> From: Patrice Chotard <patrice.chot...@st.com>
>>>> Commit message missing.
>>> ok i will fix it
>>>> You should also break this patchset up into smaller pieces.
>>> You mean, extract the update of generic OHCI and >EHCI driver from this
>>> series ?
>> Yes, split the patchset into independent pieces so it's not such a
>> massive drop of code.
> Ok
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Patrice Chotard <patrice.chot...@st.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>> v5:   _ add support of new generic PHY UCLASS
>>>>>  drivers/usb/host/ehci-generic.c | 13 +++++++++++++
>>>>>  1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-generic.c 
>>>>> b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-generic.c
>>>>> index 2190adb..3c2f5a7 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/usb/host/ehci-generic.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/usb/host/ehci-generic.c
>>>>> @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
>>>>>  #include <common.h>
>>>>>  #include <clk.h>
>>>>> +#include <fdtdec.h>
>>>>> +#include <generic-phy.h>
>>>>>  #include <reset.h>
>>>>>  #include <asm/io.h>
>>>>>  #include <dm.h>
>>>>> @@ -50,6 +52,17 @@ static int ehci_usb_probe(struct udevice *dev)
>>>>>           reset_free(&reset);
>>>>>   }
>>>>> + for (i = 0; ; i++) {
>>>>> +         struct phy usb_phy;
>>>>> +         int ret;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +         ret = generic_phy_get_by_index(dev, i, &usb_phy);
>>>>> +         if (ret < 0)
>>>>> +                 break;
>>>>> +         if (generic_phy_init(&usb_phy))
>>>>> +                 printf("failed to init usb phy %d\n", i);
>>>> How does this whole block work ? What is this about ?
>>> It allows to retrieve any present USB phys node and call the associated
>>> init callback. see patch 4 of this series ([PATCH v5 04/14] usb: phy:
>>> Add STi USB2 PHY)
>>> FYI, in dm next branch, there is a new generic PHY framework implementation.
>>> See  0ace7fe60d5c258324ef4b2caaa556616b96d1d9 drivers: phy: add generic
>>> PHY framework
>> And why do you need to iterate over indexes ? Why don't you just parse a
>> phandle ?
> As for clocks or resets, in case there is more than 1 phy connected.

Can that ever happen or is that hypothetical possibility ? I haven't
seen EHCI hardware with multiple PHYs yet.

> Patrice

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
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