Hi all,
I am getting the following error while building using ARMV7 toolchain.

{standard input}:599: Error: selected processor does not support `ldrex r1,[r2]'
{standard input}:601: Error: selected processor does not support `strex 

For example the following code uses strex and ldrex but it is not specified 
which register to use.
atomic_inc in turn uses ->

static inline int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
    unsigned long tmp;
    int result;

    __asm__ __volatile__("@ atomic_add_return\n"
"1: ldrex   %0, [%2]\n"
"   add %0, %0, %3\n"
"   strex   %1, %0, [%2]\n"
"   teq %1, #0\n"
"   bne 1b"
    : "=&r" (result), "=&r" (tmp)
    : "r" (&v->counter), "Ir" (i)
    : "cc");

    return result;

According to arm architecture reference manual strex/ldrex are valid for ARMV6 
and above. 

The above code i copied from kernel and it is building in kernel.

I dont know how to solve this issue Any toolchain specific CFLAGS/attributes i 
need to set/unset. Please Help

Warm Regards,

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