
I have the problem the Kernel Stucks at startup "Starting Kernel .... "

Could it depend on boot configuration (the macro  CONFIG_MMCROOT) ?

*Ing. Fausto Sessego*
*R&D Hardware & Software Engineer*

*Tecnologie Wireless per la logistica e la sicurezza*
*address:* Parco scientifico e tecnologico della Sardegna, Edificio 1 Loc.
Piscinamanna - 09010 Pula (CA)
*phone:* +39 070 92432952
*email:* fausto.sess...@infomob.it
*skype:* fausto.sessego.infomob
*web:* www.infomob.it

2017-05-05 13:38 GMT+02:00 Fabio Estevam <feste...@gmail.com>:

> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Fausto Sessego <fausto.sess...@infomob.it>
> wrote:
>> Ok,
>> now it seems to work fine.
> Ok, great!
>> I have another question:
>> the define
>> #define CONFIG_MMCROOT "/dev/mmcblk0p2"
>> what does it mean?
>> I have 2 sd card in my custom board:
>> 1) SD3 used like mass storage
>> 2) SD4 used to load the SO
> This option specifies the location of the rootfs.
> A better approach is to use PARTUUID instead. Please check:
> http://git.denx.de/?p=u-boot.git;a=commitdiff;h=ca4f338e2efe
> ce5196eb2178e5f7d07be828da6e;hp=375d19c9114c1aca722f22fca937aec70e6feecf
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