> Hmm.. there is a driver/i2c/mxc_i2c.c driver for i.mx31, maybe the
> i.mx27 is similiar to this? Can you check this?

Yes, I2C registers are the same in both chips. The only things that I
must change are:
- i2c clock management.
- i2c base addresses.

My current approach is trying to make this driver work for imx27/imx31
using CONFIG_MX27/CONFIG_MX31 defines.
I don't know if you have a better suggestion for this.

Thank you.
Javier Martin
Vista Silicon S.L.
CDTUC - FASE C - Oficina S-345
Avda de los Castros s/n
39005- Santander. Cantabria. Spain
+34 942 25 32 60
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