Now that this is no-longer available, stop looking for it. The new module
will be used if available.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

 tools/dtoc/ | 32 ++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/dtoc/ b/tools/dtoc/
index e793f49fa8..a0e58a4464 100644
--- a/tools/dtoc/
+++ b/tools/dtoc/
@@ -12,12 +12,7 @@ import sys
 import fdt
 from fdt import Fdt, NodeBase, PropBase
 import fdt_util
-    import libfdt
-    legacy = False
-except ImportError:
-    import libfdt_legacy as libfdt
-    legacy = True
+import libfdt
 # This deals with a device tree, presenting it as a list of Node and Prop
@@ -92,10 +87,7 @@ class Node(NodeBase):
         offset = libfdt.fdt_first_subnode(self._fdt.GetFdt(), self.Offset())
         while offset >= 0:
             sep = '' if self.path[-1] == '/' else '/'
-            if legacy:
-                name = libfdt.Name(self._fdt.GetFdt(), offset)
-            else:
-                name = self._fdt._fdt_obj.get_name(offset)
+            name = self._fdt._fdt_obj.get_name(offset)
             path = self.path + sep + name
             node = Node(self._fdt, offset, name, path)
@@ -148,8 +140,7 @@ class FdtNormal(Fdt):
             with open(self._fname) as fd:
                 self._fdt = bytearray(
-                if not legacy:
-                    self._fdt_obj = libfdt.Fdt(self._fdt)
+                self._fdt_obj = libfdt.Fdt(self._fdt)
     def GetFdt(self):
         """Get the contents of the FDT
@@ -186,18 +177,11 @@ class FdtNormal(Fdt):
         props_dict = {}
         poffset = libfdt.fdt_first_property_offset(self._fdt, node._offset)
         while poffset >= 0:
-            if legacy:
-                dprop, plen = libfdt.fdt_get_property_by_offset(self._fdt,
-                                                                poffset)
-                prop = Prop(node, poffset,
-                            libfdt.String(self._fdt, dprop.nameoff),
-                            libfdt.Data(dprop))
-            else:
-                p = self._fdt_obj.get_property_by_offset(poffset)
-                prop = Prop(node, poffset,, p.value)
-                props_dict[] = prop
-                poffset = libfdt.fdt_next_property_offset(self._fdt, poffset)
+            p = self._fdt_obj.get_property_by_offset(poffset)
+            prop = Prop(node, poffset,, p.value)
+            props_dict[] = prop
+            poffset = libfdt.fdt_next_property_offset(self._fdt, poffset)
         return props_dict
     def Invalidate(self):

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