The following changes since commit 40a808f173008729a0c631ab84693b6a2b0dcfc9:

  ARCv2: SLC: Make sure busy bit is set properly on SLC flushing
(2017-04-11 17:54:31 +0300)

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// master

for you to fetch changes up to 09397d99edb402c04d1e20b32989b5b2ecbb037a:

  arm: socfpga: sr1500 use environment in common header (2017-04-14
14:07:13 +0200)

Chee, Tien Fong (1):
      ARM: socfpga: boot0 hook: remove macro from boot0 header file

Dalon Westergreen (8):
      arm: socfpga: Add distro boot to socfpga common header
      arm: socfpga: DE0 use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: A5 SoCDK use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: C5 SoCDK use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: DE1 use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: SoCKit use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: Socrates use environment in common header
      arm: socfpga: sr1500 use environment in common header

Georges Savoundararadj (1):

      ARM: socfpga: cyclone5-socdk: Enable ports A & C

Ley Foon Tan (2):

      fdt: Add compatible strings for Arria 10

      arm: socfpga: Convert Altera DDR SDRAM driver to use Kconfig

Marek Vasut (4):
      ARM: socfpga: Rename MCVEVK
      ARM: socfpga: Reduce the DFU buffer size
      ARM: socfpga: mcvevk: Add default dfu_alt_info
      ARM: socfpga: Disable OC on MCVEVK

Stephen Arnold (1):
      ARM: socfpga: add fpga build and bsp handoff instructions to readme

 arch/arm/dts/socfpga_cyclone5_mcvevk.dts         |   3 +-
 arch/arm/dts/socfpga_cyclone5_socdk.dts          |   8 +++++
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/Kconfig                    |  11 +++----
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/boot0.h       |  24 +++++++--------
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/MAINTAINERS         |   4 +--
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/Makefile            |   0
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/iocsr_config.h  |   0
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/pinmux_config.h |   0
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/pll_config.h    |   0
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/sdram_config.h  |   0
 board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/socfpga.c           |   0
 configs/socfpga_arria5_defconfig                 |   3 ++
 configs/socfpga_cyclone5_defconfig               |   3 ++
 configs/socfpga_de0_nano_soc_defconfig           |   3 ++
 configs/socfpga_de1_soc_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/socfpga_mcvevk_defconfig                 |   2 +-
 configs/socfpga_sockit_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/socfpga_socrates_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/socfpga_sr1500_defconfig                 |   1 +
 doc/README.socfpga                               | 141
 drivers/Kconfig                                  |   2 ++
 drivers/ddr/Kconfig                              |   1 +
 drivers/ddr/altera/Kconfig                       |   5 ++++
 drivers/ddr/altera/Makefile                      |   4 ++-
 include/configs/socfpga_arria5_socdk.h           |  32 --------------------
 include/configs/socfpga_common.h                 |  59
 include/configs/socfpga_cyclone5_socdk.h         |  32 --------------------
 include/configs/socfpga_de0_nano_soc.h           |  20 -------------
 include/configs/socfpga_de1_soc.h                |  20 -------------
 include/configs/socfpga_mcvevk.h                 |   7 +++--
 include/configs/socfpga_sockit.h                 |  28 ------------------
 include/configs/socfpga_socrates.h               |  26 ----------------
 include/configs/socfpga_sr1500.h                 |  28 ------------------
 include/fdtdec.h                                 |   8 +++++
 lib/fdtdec.c                                     |   8 +++++
 35 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/MAINTAINERS (59%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/Makefile (100%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/iocsr_config.h (100%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/pinmux_config.h (100%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/pll_config.h (100%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/qts/sdram_config.h (100%)
 rename board/{denx => aries}/mcvevk/socfpga.c (100%)
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/Kconfig
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/Kconfig
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