
> On 05 Apr 2017, at 10:18, Felipe Balbi <felipe.ba...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>>> Good point on the “long”, especially as I just copied this from other 
>>> occurences and it’s consistently wrong throughout DWC3 in U-Boot:
>> Hrm, I thought the driver was ported over from Linux, so is this broken
>> in Linux too ?
> haven't seen a problem in almost 6 years dealing with this IP.
The integer-sizes on the flushing really aren’t a big issue, as everyone runs 
from the lower 32bits as of today.
And it could easily be another 6 years, before we hit the first 64bit address 
for any of the buffers being flushed.
Even as the integer types on the dwc3_flush_range are consistently mismatches, 
that is just a sideshow and
doesn’t cause any issues for anyone.

The big one for us is really the patch submitted to reorder the flushes (i.e. 
clean+invalidate operations),
as we sometimes (depends both on what happened before that in U-Boot — e.g. 
using the network
stack will always hide this — and on what configuration we compile into U-Boot) 
have cachelines
matching the allocation via dma_alloc_coherent either as cached (or possibly 
even as modified) in our

Any opinion on changing the sequencing of cache-maintenance relative to the 

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