> On Apr 3, 2017, at 02:55, Michal Simek <michal.si...@xilinx.com> wrote:
> This is not only one way how to configure system. You can use
> psu_init*.tcl and configure chip through jtag and then you don't need
> this .c/.h files.
> You should be able to see warning already about it if you miss that files.

Mmh. I had thought of that, but it seemed like this scenario might have been a
minority issue. I guess this is a very yocto-centric problem. Warnings emitted
inside builds that bitbake spawns are only visible in a log file for each steps
(configure, compile, etc.) inside each recipe's work dir and so they are
completely invisible to the operator that invokes bitbake.

Perhaps I should come up with a strategy to emerge this particular warning in
the u-boot-xlnx_%.bb recipe?


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