Hello everyone,

This a V3 for my patchset that removes the SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS from all
sunxi defconfigs.
The values in this variable are converted to Kconfig or simply removed.

Based on u-boot sunxi repository: git://git.denx.de/u-boot-sunxi.git
"master" branch, from last commit: 6f72a951cdd07e3f9d214b189762b978cd2acf45

* Changes since V2 *

- Patch 01: Rebased on master branch, add "Allwinner" in config
- Patch 02-03: Rebased on master branch
- Patch 04: Removed this patch as CMD_UNZIP has been removed with
commit e9d33e7326 ('cmd: move CONFIG_CMD_UNZIP and CONFIG_CMD_ZIP to Kconfig')
- Patch 05-06-07-08: Rebased on master branch
- Patch 09: Move the CONS_INDEX definition in drivers/serial and convert CHIP 
and A23 EVB defconfigs.

* Summary of patches *

Patch 1: Convert SUNXI_GMAC config to Kconfig and remove it from
all defconfig.
Patch 2: Remove AXP209_POWER configuration as this config is already
converted in Kconfig (drivers/power). It is automatically chosen when
the SoC is sun4i, sun5i or sun7i.
Patch 3: Remove CMD_BMP configs from SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS.
Patch 4: Remove SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS from mk802_defconfig as it contains
only USB_EHCI which is already converted to Kconfig.
Patch 5, 6: Convert SUNXI_EMAC and CONFIG_RGMII to Kconfig and remove it
from all SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS entries.
Patch 7 and 8: Convert CONFIG_SATAPWR and CONFIG_MACPWR to Kconfig. It becomes
a string instead of the gpio number so the function sunxi_name_to_gpio
is used to do the conversion from string to int.
Patch 9: Convert console index (CONS_INDEX) to Kconfig. The default value is 1
except for sun5i which is 2 and sun8i which is 5.

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,

Mylène Josserand (9):
  sunxi: Move SUNXI_GMAC to Kconfig
  sunxi: icnova-a20-swac_defconfig: Remove AXP209_POWER
  sunxi: icnova-a20-swac_defconfig: Remove CMD_BMP from
  sunxi: mk802_defconfig: Remove SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS
  sunxi: Convert SUNXI_EMAC to Kconfig
  sunxi: Convert CONFIG_RGMII to Kconfig
  sunxi: Convert CONFIG_SATAPWR to Kconfig
  sunxi: Convert CONFIG_MACPWR to Kconfig
  sunxi: Convert CONS_INDEX to Kconfig

 board/sunxi/Kconfig                        | 14 ++++++++++++++
 board/sunxi/board.c                        | 12 +++++++-----
 configs/A10-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig       |  3 ++-
 configs/A10s-OLinuXino-M_defconfig         |  2 +-
 configs/A13-OLinuXinoM_defconfig           |  1 -
 configs/A13-OLinuXino_defconfig            |  1 -
 configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig      |  4 +++-
 configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig       |  3 ++-
 configs/A20-OLinuXino_MICRO_defconfig      |  3 ++-
 configs/A20-Olimex-SOM-EVB_defconfig       |  4 +++-
 configs/Ampe_A76_defconfig                 |  1 -
 configs/Bananapi_defconfig                 |  4 +++-
 configs/Bananapro_defconfig                |  4 +++-
 configs/CHIP_defconfig                     |  1 -
 configs/CHIP_pro_defconfig                 |  2 +-
 configs/CSQ_CS908_defconfig                |  2 +-
 configs/Colombus_defconfig                 |  3 ++-
 configs/Cubieboard2_defconfig              |  3 ++-
 configs/Cubieboard_defconfig               |  3 ++-
 configs/Cubietruck_defconfig               |  4 +++-
 configs/Empire_electronix_d709_defconfig   |  1 -
 configs/Empire_electronix_m712_defconfig   |  1 -
 configs/Hummingbird_A31_defconfig          |  3 ++-
 configs/Itead_Ibox_A20_defconfig           |  3 ++-
 configs/Lamobo_R1_defconfig                |  5 ++++-
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino3_Nano_defconfig |  4 +++-
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino3_defconfig      |  3 ++-
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino_defconfig       |  2 +-
 configs/Marsboard_A10_defconfig            |  2 +-
 configs/Mele_A1000G_quad_defconfig         |  2 +-
 configs/Mele_A1000_defconfig               |  3 ++-
 configs/Mele_I7_defconfig                  |  2 +-
 configs/Mele_M3_defconfig                  |  2 +-
 configs/Mele_M5_defconfig                  |  2 +-
 configs/Mele_M9_defconfig                  |  2 +-
 configs/Orangepi_defconfig                 |  4 +++-
 configs/Orangepi_mini_defconfig            |  4 +++-
 configs/Sinlinx_SinA31s_defconfig          |  2 +-
 configs/Sinovoip_BPI_M2_defconfig          |  3 ++-
 configs/Sinovoip_BPI_M3_defconfig          |  2 +-
 configs/Wits_Pro_A20_DKT_defconfig         |  3 ++-
 configs/ba10_tv_box_defconfig              |  2 +-
 configs/difrnce_dit4350_defconfig          |  1 -
 configs/ga10h_v1_1_defconfig               |  1 -
 configs/gt90h_v4_defconfig                 |  1 -
 configs/i12-tvbox_defconfig                |  3 ++-
 configs/iNet_D978_rev2_defconfig           |  1 -
 configs/icnova-a20-swac_defconfig          |  2 +-
 configs/inet86dz_defconfig                 |  1 -
 configs/inet98v_rev2_defconfig             |  1 -
 configs/jesurun_q5_defconfig               |  3 ++-
 configs/mixtile_loftq_defconfig            |  4 +++-
 configs/mk802_defconfig                    |  1 -
 configs/orangepi_plus2e_defconfig          |  2 +-
 configs/orangepi_plus_defconfig            |  3 ++-
 configs/polaroid_mid2407pxe03_defconfig    |  1 -
 configs/polaroid_mid2809pxe04_defconfig    |  1 -
 configs/q8_a13_tablet_defconfig            |  1 -
 configs/q8_a23_tablet_800x480_defconfig    |  1 -
 configs/q8_a33_tablet_1024x600_defconfig   |  1 -
 configs/q8_a33_tablet_800x480_defconfig    |  1 -
 configs/sun8i_a23_evb_defconfig            |  1 -
 drivers/net/Kconfig                        | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 drivers/serial/Kconfig                     | 10 ++++++++++
 include/configs/sunxi-common.h             |  4 ----
 65 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)


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