This patchset is for converting to driver model.
This task is working in progress.
Some codes should be remained to legacy mode, it will be converted in future.

Jaehoon Chung (6):
  configs: trats: enable the CONFIG_DM_PMIC and PMIC_MAX8997
  board: samsung: trats: remove the unnecessary codes
  board: samsung: trats: convert to driver model for controlling phy
  arm: dts: trats: add i2c_fg node for fuelgauge
  board: samsung: trats: remove the i2c_init function
  configs: trats: enable the CONFIG_DM_I2C_GPIO

 arch/arm/dts/exynos4210-trats.dts |   9 ++
 board/samsung/trats/trats.c       | 249 ++++++++------------------------------
 configs/trats_defconfig           |   4 +
 3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)


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