On 02/27/2017 07:45 PM, Sumit Garg wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: york sun
>> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2017 10:33 PM
>> To: Sumit Garg <sumit.g...@nxp.com>; u-boot@lists.denx.de
>> Cc: Ruchika Gupta <ruchika.gu...@nxp.com>; Prabhakar Kushwaha
>> <prabhakar.kushw...@nxp.com>; Mingkai Hu <mingkai...@nxp.com>; Vini
>> Pillai <vinitha.pil...@nxp.com>
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH] ls1043ardb: SPL size reduction in case of non-xip boot
>> On 02/20/2017 03:18 AM, Sumit Garg wrote:
>>> Using changes in this patch we were able to reduce approx 10k size of
>>> u-boot-spl.bin image. Following is breif description of changes to
>>> reduce SPL size:
>>> 1. Changes in board/freescale/ls1043ardb/Makefile to remove
>>>    compilation of eth.c and cpld.c in case of SPL build.
>>> 2. Changes in board/freescale/ls1043ardb/ls1043ardb.c to keep
>>>    only ddr_init and board_early_init_f funcations in case of SPL
>>>    build.
>>> 3. Changes in ls1043a_common.h & ls1043ardb.h to remove driver
>>>    specific macros due to which static data was being compiled in
>>>    case of SPL build.
>>> 4. Disable MMC driver from bieng compiled in case of SPL NAND
>>>    build and NAND driver from bieng compiled in case of SPL MMC build.
>>> 5. Remove I2C driver support from SPL in case of LS1043ARDB.
>>> Signed-off-by: Vinitha Pillai-B57223 <vinitha.pil...@nxp.com>
>> Remove the B57223 from the name, unless you really want it.
> Sure will remove it.
>>> Signed-off-by: Sumit Garg <sumit.g...@nxp.com>
>>> ---
>>>  board/freescale/ls1043ardb/Makefile     |  4 +++-
>>>  board/freescale/ls1043ardb/ls1043ardb.c | 32 ++++++++++++++++++---------
>> -----
>>>  configs/ls1043ardb_sdcard_defconfig     |  1 -
>>>  include/configs/ls1043a_common.h        | 14 ++++++++++++--
>>>  include/configs/ls1043ardb.h            |  6 ++++++
>>>  5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
>> This patch cause compiling warning for board/freescale/ls1043aqds/eth.c.
>> Please fix.
>> York
> Will fix compilation warning.

Please send your update.


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