
On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:37:36AM +0000, André Przywara wrote:
> On 03/03/17 14:32, Maxime Ripard wrote:
> > If we depend on the ARCH_SUNXI configuration option, the boards that do not
> > have NAND support enabled (with the associated options) will not compile
> > anymore.
> > 
> > Depend on the NAND driver configuration option to make sure that is not the
> > case.
> > Reported-by: Chen-Yu Tsai <w...@csie.org>
> > Signed-off-by: Maxime Ripard <maxime.rip...@free-electrons.com>
> As I came up with an identical patch today to fix sunxi/master:
> Reviewed-by: Andre Przywara <andre.przyw...@arm.com>
> So this situation is a bit unfortunate: The sunxi/master branch was
> updated apparently before even compile-testing it for more than one
> sunxi board (it is broken for every sunxi board except Chip Pro at the
> moment: buildman says 105/106). And even after reports and the
> corresponding fixes appeared (thanks Chen-Yu and Maxime!) the branch is
> _still_ broken as of today (10 days after the fix was posted).
> So can we please have both
> a) a better quality assurance before merging patches into this custodian
> branch and
> b) quicker merging of fixes?
> To my understanding u-boot-sunxi should be always a good and working
> candidate for anyone interested in Allwinner boards.
> For a) it would already help to just simply build test sunxi:
> $ tools/buildman/buildman sunxi
> but probably extend this to cover at least all ARM boards.

Jagan usually takes the patches, but he seems to be off, and I was in
holidays last week.

I just pushed it, sorry for the breakage.


Maxime Ripard, Free Electrons
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering

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